Chapter 11

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Cameron POV

She was scared. It didn't take a genius to figure that out. I told Fisher about the note for Kirsten, and he is now going to be staying in the apartment across from us. He is starting to worry, I think everyone is. Camille and Linus have also been moved to a safe location.

We are currently in the back seat of Fisher's car. He is driving us to safety, but it doesn't feel that way. Kirsten has been silently crying the entire trip, but I don't know why. She is huddled up against me with my arm around her, of course being careful of her injury.

"We're here guys." Fisher says and turns around to look at us. He locks eyes with me first then at Kirsten. I don't miss the pained expression his eyes hold. I step out of the car and help Kirsten out. We walk behind Fisher into the complex, Kirsten still under my arm.

"Cameron?" She whispers and I look down at her. Her eyes are red and have bags. Her hair is a complete mess because of the hospital. But to me, she is still beautiful.

"What's up?" I say rubbing her back a little. I keep my voice down so Fisher doesn't hear us.

"What are we?" She asks. Usually I'd be confused, but not this time. I completely understand, and for once I can't supply an answer.

"What do you want us to be?" I say smiling a little and looking back up to make sure Fisher hasn't heard our conversation. If he has, he has shown no evidence.

"More." She says and I nod. I agree and that was the one word I wanted to hear.

"Then you get more." I say and kiss the top of her head. We enter the building and there is people all around us. We must look strange, but people don't stare for long. We walk up one flight of stairs and go into an almost empty hallway.

"This hallway has been reserved for safe houses." Fisher says opening a door on the right. He motions and we walk through the door. It is a very nice apartment. Much bigger than mine. It has two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living area, and a kitchen. He leaves and opens the door across the hall. Now Kirsten and I are alone.

"How long do you think we'll be here?" Kirsten asks me, still not moving from her place in the doorway.

"Not long I'm sure." I say taking her hand and leading her into the beautiful living room.

"I hope so, I miss your place." She says sitting down on the blue couch. It looks so similar to mine back home.

"I would think otherwise, there is a lot of blood on the floor." I say sitting next to her. I turn to face her and smile.

"I'm sorry." She says. "Next time I'll make sure to not get shot." She says sarcastically.

"I will have to replace the rug." I say even though she was on the hard wood.

"I was on the rug?" She says now looking very serious. It takes everything in me not to laugh at her face. I nod seriously and turn the TV on.

"It's ok, normally I would clean it but I'm not allowed to go back." I say still feigning innocence.

"Cameron I am so sorry." Her face got me. I began to laugh so hard. She looks confused and that only makes me laugh harder.

"Kirsten I'm only joking, you were on hard wood." I say and she gets upset, or more angry.

"That is so not funny." She says cutely.

"It's not nice to be sarcastic with someone." I say and lean back into the sofa.

"You're right I am sorry." She says a little more seriously this time.

"Better." I say and quickly kiss her. Before I can see her reaction I go into the bathroom to shower.

I can't believe I just did that.

Hey y'all hope you enjoyed, please vote and comment if you did!


Peace out (-=)

Devyn <3

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