Chapter 12

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Kirsten POV

I can't believe he just did that. Not that I'm complaining. I was just surprised at his sudden boldness. Not to mention he ran away to the shower. Coward, I think laughing. I mean Cameron and I are more now. 

I turn on the TV and find myself listening to the news. It only talks about the apartment shooting briefly before switching to the Stock Market. Fisher probably had it confidential in order to protect us better. I wonder what state Camille left my house in. Probably a mess.

The phone rings and I see the caller ID. All it says is Stinger.

"Cameron!" I yell. I hear the water turn off and see him run towards me in only a towel. I can't stop to admire because I am in to much fear of the phone.

"Kirsten, you ok?" He asks looking around for a threat. Then the phone rings again and he looks down. "Who is it?" He asks walking over.

"It says Stinger." I say and fall to my knees. He walks over and looks at the phone.

"We don't answer it." He says and sends it to the machine. He walks into one of the bedrooms. Next time he comes out fully clothed. I'm still a mess from the hospital. I brush my hair and fix my makeup when the phone starts to ring again.

"Cameron?" I say and he looks at me. He sends it to the machine again. Then my cell phone rings and I see that it's Fisher. I answer it immediately.

"Fisher our phone keeps on ringing, it's Stinger." I say.

"Guys go hide in a room. I can't open the door to get to you guys." I hear him say. I drop the phone and get Cameron. Then the phone goes to voicemail and the first message comes in.

"Boo." I hear my father say over the line.

Then the doors slam open, and all Hell breaks loose.

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Peace out (-=)

Devyn <3 

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