Chapter 7

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Kirsten POV

When I wake up I am in a familiar bed. But it isn't my own. I remember the events and shoot up. I look around and I see that I am in Cameron's house. He is obviously the one that brought me here, no one else has a key.

"Cameron?" I call out. I open his bedroom door and see him in the kitchen. He is making the green smoothie, just like the day I first woke up in his house. He looks at me and smiles.

"You're not going to hit me again." He said faking a scared expression. I laughed and punched him on his shoulder.

"What happened?" I ask and he looks down.

"No one is hurt." He said.

"Well that's good." I said and he started to drink. He looked at me and I raised my eyebrows.

"It was your dad," He said, "he got away." I started to sweat.

"I'm in danger aren't I?" I asked and he nodded.

"You're going to stay here for a couple days until Fisher locks up this case." He said and it was my turn to listen.

"Are you sure Nina won't mind?" I ask. Everything's been normal between us so far. I'm not going to deny my feelings for Cameron.

"We, uh, we broke up." I raised my eyebrows.

"I'm so sorry Cameron." I said and I was. I just really hoped that I wasn't the cause of this break up. Cameron seemed to read my mind.

"It wasn't your fault, she just wanted to know about my job and she got all mad when I didn't tell her." He said and I nodded. Thank god.

I walked over and grabbed a cup and started to pour some of his smoothie. It tasted like spinach but it was good for you.

"Fisher is going to stop by later to see how you're doing." Cameron said turning on his TV.

"You mean question me?" I say and Cameron shakes his head no.

"No you should have seen him after you fainted, he was frantic." He said laughing. 

"Ok." I say not sure what to expect from Fisher. He can be very bipolar with his feeling for me. I still don't know if he really enjoys my company. Although, no one does except Cameron.

I hear a knock at the door and see Cameron get up. He looks through the peep hole then opens the door. Fisher stands at the entrance and Cameron welcomes him in.

"How are you feeling Kirsten?" Fisher asks and Cameron is in awe.

"Well hello to you too Fisher, I am doing splendid." Cameron says slamming his door shut and locking it. Fisher turns and gives him a look.

"I'm doing fine." I say smiling. Fisher sits next to me.

"Did you know your father was in town?" He asks I shake my head no. I had no clue, and it scares me.

"Did you know he wanted to hurt you?" He asks and I shake my head yes.

"I turned him into the NSA, and killed my mother." I say and Cameron doesn't like my answer.

"Your mothers death isn't your fault." Cameron defends me.

"I already got my karma for that one." I say still only talking to Fisher. Cameron shakes his head then walks to his sink to rinse out his now empty glass.

"Okay that's all I need." He said and got up. "Goodbye Cameron." He said.

"Thanks, was that so hard." Cameron mumbles and locks the door after Fisher.

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