Chapter 8

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Kirsten POV

Cameron left to go get groceries. I was home alone, although I had to promise him that I wouldn't open the door for anyone. Finally, after a lot of convincing he left. I decided to just sit on the couch and watch TV. After all I wasn't allowed to leave.

There was a knock at the door. Who knows it might be Camille here to keep me company. I looked through the peephole and saw Nina. I guess she probably left some stuff here. I unlocked the door and opened it. She looked a tad bit surprised to see me.

"Hey Nina." I say and she looks around the entrance. She looks tattered. Her hair and face is a mess, along with her clothes.

"Hi, is Cameron here?" She asks. I shake my head no, and she just looks more confused.

"He is at the store." I say still not welcoming her in. This isn't my house so she doesn't get to come in unless Cameron is here.

"Then why are you here?" She asks. She sounds almost jealous. Why, they broke up!

"I'm actually staying here for a couple of days. I can't really live in my house at the moment." I said and she still doesn't look at me.

"Alright, can you just tell him I came by?" She asks and I nod my  head yes. I shut the door and lock it. I go back to the couch, and continue watching TV. What the hell was that all about.

Cameron POV

I was coming up the stairs since the elevator broke in my building when I saw her. Why was Nina in my building. She looked like a mess. She was coming from my hallway when she finally spotted me.

"Nina what are you doing here?" I ask.

"I came to apologize but I see now that you have already moved on." She said pissed.

"You have no right to be mad, we broke up. I kicked you out of my house." I said.

"I was hoping that we could reconcile but I guess not." She said still pissed. I was tired of her games.

"Well, you guessed right." I said shoving my way past her.

"Wait Cameron." She said, and I turned. I didn't freaking care about excuses.

"What?" I asked pulling out my key. She turned and began walking away.

"Watch the weirdo's back." She called over her shoulder and I stopped everything. She was now long gone, but her words still rang in my head. There was no way she could be a part of this.

I unlocked the door and walked in, still shocked.

"Nina came by to see you." Kirsten said starting to help me unpack the groceries.

"Yeah I saw her in the hallway." I said and Kirsten finally looked at me.

"Cameron?" She asked. If Nina is a part of this then she probably told Stinger where I lived. I saw a red dot coming through the window. I shoved Kirsten down as we heard a shot come through the window.


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