Chapter Five: He's Different

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Theo :

I walked into school not even Care in the world about anything.

I thinking about stiles but for some reason this new power pushes those feeling to the side.

I look around for him but no sign of him, I walked to my locker and saw the person I needed.


"Hey, man I haven't seen you in a while"

"Yeah I had to get myself together and stop worrying about certain people"

"Oh yeah I understand after being turned"

yeah but this isn't that feeling.

I shook my head and continued getting my books.

"have you seen stiles cause originally he would have been here by now."

"Uhm no I haven't but maybe his hyper ass is half way across the world or something"

I slammed my locker closed and walked towards first period.

After school was done I saw his Jeep so he is here.

I walked to my car and got in when I had got a text from one of the people the dread doctors work with.
Unknown number -

Be at the docs at 12 and don't be late,Cause we will kill you.

I started hitting the steering wheel.

I almost threw my phone but I wasn't going to let anyone get under my skin.

Good thing nobody was able to see me in this car, tinted windows are the best.

I notice Scott and stiles and the rest just staring over at my car.

I forgot they can hear me.

I put my keys in the ignition and started it up. I sat there for a moment to see if they was waiting on me.

But I guess they wasn't cause Scott left first.

So I pull off in a hurry and I know you could have heard the screeching from my tires.

Once I got home I started looking for something to do tonight because after I get Scott I'm going to need it.

Trust me I am.

Stiles never came looking for me.i texted him the night I was turned into what ever I am now, but that's over cause I'm stronger and better than ever.

I went to the parking garage and was deciding which car I should take.

I have two and that's a Jeep and a classic car. But since I'm getting a dangerous werewolf I'm going to need my Jeep.

It feels werid having a Jeep knowing that stiles has a werid relationship with his.

Creepy much...

I loved him, I did but for some reason I can't seem to want to kill him and the pack.

I got into the jeep and headed towards Scott's house.

Maybe I should catch him off guard.

I parked a little down the street from his house so they don't see my truck.

I got out and slowly made my way to his house. I saw that his mother was leaving again maybe for the nightshift at the hospital.

"Bye Scott, and no company tonight"

"Alright Mom"

He's alone good. I watched as his mother left the house and Scott closed the front door.

I used my hearing ability to hear what's happening do I can set a plan.

I know that werewolf's usually can't see that good with the lights off. I mean we can but that's only when we look with our sn eyes.

But that doesn't work all the time. I went to the side of the house and cut the power cords with my claws.

I listened in on him and he was speaking into the air. Lord why does people do that.

Everyone knows if your power cuts off you get the fuck out of the house and run, and don't look back.

But let's just get this over with.

I broke into the house and saw that he wasn't downstairs, he must be upstairs and that's where I went.

I got to his room but nobody was there I turned to the end of the hall and there he stood with his claws retracted and his red eyes showing he's an alpha.

Now I know why they wanted him.

"Theo what are you doing here"

"I'm here to take you to them"

"Well you got to fight me then"

He ran up to me but I dodged his attack and threw him into the wall and he got stuck so I pulled him out and threw him downstairs.

"Listen theo, I don't know how you got strong but you won't take me"

"I will take you and you will do as they say"

I smacked him so hard he fell back into the coffee table.

"I'll give your mom the money but for now just surrender and it will be over"

"Hell no and alright"

I can't keep fighting whatever they put into my mind.

He hit me and I hit the wall. He dragged me up the wall and almost put dug his claws in my chest.

But before he could I did.

He fell weak and I felt something but it disappeared.

There scott laid defeated and I felt kind of stronger but weak in a way.

I dragged him to my jeep and laid him in the back.

I called the mysterious number.

- hello?

- did you get the alpha?

- yeah I did but I think he's not alpha anymore.

- you didn't take his alpha status you drained him of energy bring him to us.

They hung up on me bastards.

It's funny I can hear them but other people hear static.

I got in the jeep and pulled off to the docs where they said meet them.

As I'm driving I see Scott unconscious, I felt good but really like a bad friend but I was kidnapped and made this way.

No more shit I promise...

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