Chapter Eight : Forgive Me

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Stiles :

They came at us and attacked but the knew a couple of Tricks so he got the upper hand.

"Don't kill them" Scott said getting ready to attack.

"Why not there not going to stop" theo said throwing the girl across the room.

"Because they are still regular people" Scott said hitting the guy with blonde hair.

I didn't know why Scott thinks he can save everyone who is insane.

One of the people ran up on me and smacked them across the face and they fell.

Never could do that, so freaking cool.

The guy didn't get up seems like I hit him really hard.

I walked over to Scott and tried to reason with him.

"Scott There's no use they are in to deep"
"There's always a way stiles" he looked very weak but continued to fight for what he knows.

"Well how about we escape" I questioned while sitting down.

Scott tried to find a way out but he is weakened by the doctor dudes.

Theo was finishing up with the girl since she would go down without a fight.

He cut her with his claws and ripped her heart out.

She fell unconscious and Theo stood over her body.

"Theo what did you do" Scott asked angered by this.

"Nothing she just wouldn't stop" he said panicking.

"I know how it feels Theo" I told him and got up to comfort him.

He hugged me and that's when I realized he was right.

"You know you still gotta prove yourself to me" I whispered in his ear.

His crying slowed down and he looked at me and kissed my lips.

We stayed like that until Scott coughed.

"Well seems like you guys made up but the point is that you killed her they going to be looking for the killer and are blood is on the floor." Scott said and started trying to bust through the wall.

Me and Theo went to help him and success we got out of the building.

We started walking to get to a phone or anything for the matter.

We saw a diner and went straight for the place.

"This close to the motel that I was in before I moved to the loft" Theo said and sat down at the booth.

I sat next to him and Scott across.

A lady came minutes later and asked us what we wanted and she notice the cuts and brusies on Scott and Theo.

"Do you guys need a hospital by ant chance" she asked mother like.

"Yes ma'am, but can you get us food first" Scott said.

"Of course hun" she wrote on the pad and left.

"She didn't take are order" Theo said.

"I know, she must be bringing back something cause it smell like lots of goodness back there" I said.

I licked my lips.

She came back twenty minutes later with three trays of food and drinks.

"It's on the house boys and I called the ambulance there on their way"

"Okay thanks ma'am" Theo said while eating the hamburgers.

I started eating the chicken tenders while Scott started on the pizza.

About time ambulance came we was done eating and we called waitress over to tell her we're finished and tipped her.

Scott's idea, he's really appreciative person.

The ambulance carried a stretcher in to get Scott since he's leg was messed up.

Theo and I walked to the truck and got in.

They patched up the cuts on theo's chest and Scotts leg and they looked at me werid.

"Why aren't we healing" Theo whispered.

"Maybe something happened back at the building or the knew that we would heal afterwards and gave them a lethel claws I don't know" I said

"Yeah I doubt it" Theo said and looked around.

We pulled up at the hospital and the rushed Scott in and Theo and I walked in.

Melissa was watching scott in the room.

Theo and I walked in and she shut the door and asked us what happened.

After telling her the story she slapped Theo then apologized after Scott said it wasn't his fault.

"I wouldn't do that to Scott or stiles cause I love Scott as a brother but they brainwashed me" theo said confessing.

"Where's the others" I asked since nobody tried finding us.

"I don't know give them a call" Melissa said handing me her phone.

I dialed Malia's number and she answered first ring.

"Hello Melissa"

"It's stiles and we're at the hospital come now"

"On are way now" sounding relieved.

We need to talk to deaton to ask about healing cause we're still not healing.

I guess so....

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