Chapter Eighteen : Move In

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Today's the day i ask stiles to move in, it's going to be fun to have my boyfriend live with me.

Even though I know his dad would decide against it, but I'll convince him with my sexy face and sweet words.

I started chuckling and walked out the house to the car, I got in and pulled off heading to his house.

After everything that has happened I'm surprised that nobody has spoken about it, but it's like a fresh memory to me.

I pull into his driveway and turned off the ignition, I had got out and walked up to the porch and before I could knock, the door was opened with quickness and he jumped on me.

He tighten his legs around my waist, and we started making out.

I will never get tired of this, stiles dad came to the door with his sheriff uniform.

"Stiles get off the poor boy before he stops breathing, if he's capable" he said with a smirk, stiles jumped down and rolled his eyes, laughed and he nudged me in my side.

"Good Morning, Mr.Stilinski" I smiled the one and only smile, that gets me what i want.

"Good Morning Theo" he said with a crooked smile, he walked right past me and before he got his car he turned around.

"Stiles there's money on the table and please be home before Twelve" he told him before he unlocked the drivers side door and got in.

After two minutes the sheriff pulled off, I looked towards stiles and he grabbed my hand and pulled me into his house.

He pushed me down onto the couch and my body did exactly what he wanted, he pulled off my shirt while kissing my neck.

Once my shirt came off, I knew that he wanted sex but that's not what I came over here for.

"Stiles" I started holding his arms but he wouldn't let up.

"Stiles, Stiless" I yelled and he pushed off me and turned around in his half naked glory.

"I'm s-sorry theo" he said holding back something.

"What's wrong" I asked and he turned around and I saw his eyes glow but one color wasn't the same.

He's eyes glowed red and yellowish orange, that's totally weird even for me.

"When did this start" I asked him and he sat down and took a breath.

"It's been this way since we fought against the Fentom, I haven't spoken to anyone about it but now I realize I'm even more messed up" he started crying.

"Stop crying stiles, that's not the case and your not messed up, your perfect just the way you are and nobody will change that" I told him and he hugged me but his strength is undeniably strong.

After we hugged it out, he went upstairs and gathered a few things.

This could be the perfect time to ask him to move in with me, since school is almost over.

He came downstairs and sat next to me with his cover and a bag.

"What's in the bag Stilinski" i asked.

"Just snacks, I ordered a new movie before my dad left since he needed to know the price" he told me and tossed a bag of Doritos.

"Oh okay, i wanted to ask you a question" I started off.

"Well you just did" he said laughing.

"Whatever" i nudged him a little and he broke into a laughing fit.

"Move in with me" I asked him when he was done laughing.

"For real?!" He was bout to squeal.

"Yes" I shook my head and he started jumping up and down.

"Yes I'll move in with you" we kissed and it started progressing to something else, but stiles stopped and placed his head on mines.

He knew I loved doing this.

"I love you so much theo" he told me.

"I love you too stiles" we started to cuddle and he turned on Spider-Man Homecoming.

A movie i wanted to see actually.

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