•We're Just Friends•

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After that conversation then, Xander became more and more close to me. Though as time goes by, it's that wake up call that I began having my doubts towards him. I started thinking that our friendship isn't that precious to him as it is to me.

The class was finished, and it was finally lunch break. I overhear the boys at the back. "Hey bro! Hurry and let's go play!" Of course, the DOTA boys are at it again. I look and see him with them, as usual.

As I fix my things, the teacher comes to me with everyone's paper. "Miss Tomlinson, please check these papers for me and bring them to the office after lunch," she says in a motherly voice.

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be right to it." Great, guess who's skipping lunch again. Since I always perfect her pretty east equations, I get to assess my classmates for her.

Before starting, my squad invite me to eat lunch with them. But as always, I decline because of my obvious business. Then comes the everyday nagging of me not eating, blah blah blah. Don't worry about me, I eat! Sometimes...

Time passes, and I'm already almost done. Just one more, and it's his paper. Huh, as always, he's one of the copycats. I mean, you'd know if a person copies if it's extra clean and ha the same format of writing as the original (a.k.a. me). But, don't get me wrong, I don't give all the answers. And I laugh at the true copy masters who have the same erasures and wrong answers, which includes him.

Gosh, I know. I'm too nice and considerate. But you know what they say, "A class that cheats together graduates together." I can't remember too well, but that feeling I have for helping others must've grew by this incident.

I watch as he gets scolded by our psychology teacher. We learn he has obnoxious grades and now he's getting the treatment of our tyrant teacher. And then the professor lectures us for the whole period about our careers and stupidity then blames it on him.

Sigh. I remember how I wanted to either strangle him for making the professor angry or that old missy because she's trying too hard to make us all feel bad. Yeah, I got the bang of her gun but now that I look back, my classmates didn't mind it at all. They still laugh to it to this day. That's the one part I can't understand about children nowadays. Why can't they actually plant the seeds people around us give for our brain and heart?

I do remember that I stared at him. My boss, being punished. I felt... pity? I can't explain it, but I felt like I wanted to become a much better friend to him now. Is that why I care about him so much?

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