•Last Chance•

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PE was done. I, along with Paola and Jenny walked together outside the school, going home as always. As I walked along the boulevard, I could hear voices behind us. One thing for sure, they were noisy as hell. I looked back, only to find out it was him and the other boys in our room. They were talking about... something. I swear I heard my name, and him reacting with a laugh.

"They're so noisy," Jenny commented. I laughed in agreement.

"Let's make some noise too!" Paola said, annoyed. As if on cue, we laughed, loud enough for them to hear us.

We got an instant reaction. "Hey, you're so noisy!" said one of the boys.

I rolled my eyes at them and us three just continued to talk nonsense, occassionally pushing each other or smacking others' shoulders. This went on until we reached the highway. We parted ways, saying our farewells. As I turned left, I saw him looking at me. I quickly turned my eyes away, and he did the same.

Me: Boss! Notice me senpai~ Hahaha

It was always like this: me starting the conversation, and it was always his decision if we would continue talking or not.

Him: Sorry boss why

Me: Nothing, just looking for someone to talk to. It's nice that you replied to me. Haha

Him: Haha of course, for you

I rolled my eyes, then continued typing. "How are you boss?"

"I'm here in another city," was the reply.

Me: Uhh okay. What do you do there?

Him: Sleeping

I sighed in annoyance. Then it was all complete nonsense. This continued on for a couple of days. After that, me and a bunch of classmates decided to go to school for our clearance papers. Well, their clearance papers, as I was finished with mine. But me being so nice, I went with them to accompany them. It was worth it though, I got to see my crush. He even approached me and talked to me! That's a big achievement, and it made me smiling like forever.

After going to the principal's office, I was chatting with Janella by the gate when I noticed a tricycle pass by. As we continued walking, I can't help stare at it. Like, I needed to watch. The tricycle stopped near me. I slowed my pace. Then and there did the passenger come out. I was shocked with who came out from the tricycle. Suddenly, he turned to my direction and with much embarassment I looked away and continued far away from him.

All the joy I had was gone and the smile on my face turned to tearful eyes. It was like my heart stopped beating, making me hard to breathe and I clenched my lips trying to hold back the sadness that was about to pour out of me.

We were both wearing black. He's such a copycat.

No, all sarcasm aside, I didn't know why him just existing made a big bang in my heart. The day passed by rather quickly, I didn't even notice we were over as the people I was with went and I just followed. When I got home, I opened my Facebook. I saw he was online.

Me: Another city, eh?

Him: Yeah I just got home
Why? Miss me?

Me: So much
Just kidding, of course not

Him: I know...

Eh? Is he sure about that? I loled to myself and gave a rather subtle reply. "It's good that your parents allow you to hang around in your house."

Him: How did you know

I answered, "Umm, it's because, I'm actually a spy. You know, stalker."

Him: Haha lol

Me: Haha, jk. Someone told me

Him: Who told you

Me: My crush. Heehee

Him: Who??

Me: Secrettttt

Him: ... Ok

Whatever. The same nonsense ensued. This continued for weeks, and little by little did I notice his replies were getting less meaningful. It was like he wasn't talking to a friend.

I don't know why, but something just snapped inside me.

I walked through the highway, and saw Minty. "Minty!" I screamed trying to get her attention.

"Joanna! What's up?" she said in her squeaky voice.

"Nothing much. Are you going to leave soon?" I then noticed there was a bread shop not far from here. "I'm hungry! Let's go eat!" Minty accepted my offer and we went to the shop. After buying our food, we sat across from the stall, opened our phones, chatted about school and other stuff. It just so happened that we were talking about Xander did some magic happen. I saw him walking towards our spot, and I switched my glance away from him.

Well, if it wasn't for Minty I would have forgotten about him.

"Joanna, look! It's Xander over there!"

"Shut up, Minty. I don't care."

"Why so mad?" She said while laughing. I continued to stare at my phone, but I knew his presence was still there. It felt like, he was watching me.

Me: Argh! I just want to slap you so hard right now.

Him: K

Me: Fine. When school starts again, the first thing I'm going to do is find you then smack you.

Him: Why are you going to do that? I didn't do anything wrong to you

Me: Nothing. You're so excruciating

Him: Is it because of my good looks

Me: Nah. I'm going crazy for you because...

Him: ?

Me: ...because you're so ugly.

Him: Haha

Me: I didn't love you because of your looks, you know.

Him: Hmm? What is it then

Me: Ui, he's curious XD

Him: K

Me: Hmph.

Him: Why?

Me: Never mind. I think I'm only disturbing you.

Him: It's ok. Why boss what's the problem

Me: Is it hard to love someone like me?
Jk. I'm so over this.

Him: Ok
And then ?

The false hope changed to anger. I tapped fast.

Me: Enough! Fucking block me already. I think you'll be more happy when I'm not here annoying you.
Good bye.
Don't ever call me...
...because I know that shit doesn't mean anything to you.

I didn't want to do it, I thought he wouldn't want to lose me as a friend. But...

Him: K

Fine. If that's how this ends, then so be it. This will be your last and final chance. So long, douche.

I looked towards his direction. He was throwing me his famous glance. It was like he was waiting for me to notice him, but I know better now. I need to stop assuming.

He walked near me, and went to the bread store to buy something. I told Minty, "Let's get out of here." I stood up from my seat and walked away, with Minty trying to follow. As we reached the station, I thanked Minty for the time and was about to go my way.

"What's wrong with you and Xander?" She asked.

"Who cares?"

"Fine then, see you tomorrow at school!" Minty said as I walked away from there. I looked back one last time at his direction. I remembered everything we ever did, what we were, who I was, who he was. All those times, I finally know it was a lie. Besides, he never really cared about me.

I loved, and all I can do is remember.

How I hate him so.

Love and RememberHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin