•Are You Kidding Me•

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It was winter vacation. I was just scrolling through my news feed on Facebook when a message popped up.

Boss: Hi beutiful🙀

Me: Lol.
Hello handsome (joke)

Boss: 👍

Me: What's going on?

Boss: Nothing

Me: Ok. That's weird, you remembered I exist. Haha

Boss: Haha

During winter break, New Year came. I decided to actually be merry and greet everyone. I saw he was online and chatted him. Of course, his replies are just as disappointing as me.

Me: Happy New Year, boss. Haha 😊

Him: Same to you boss

It's back to normal as classes resume and winter break ends. He would make eye contact at times, ask favors again and again, tease me, etc. But I just felt relieved because I'm lonely as hell and only have few friends. (not really just don't count half the girls in the class)

As the months go by, he'd be there when he needed me, and doing my job as a friend would do what I can to help him. But then as he got close to getting my homework, so did my heart to him.

To be honest? I really don't know when this person I call friend would turn into someone I would love. I just want to make him happy, because making others happy makes me happy.

He'd say, "What're our assignments?" "Can I copy your work?" followed by "Thank you! God bless!" if I do as he wishes. Of course, I have limits when he goes too far. Excuses such as, "I don't have this yet." "I forgot." "What assignment?" "Copy? I'll just teach you tomorrow at school." "I think you can do that."

I would also like to add that I only had this to myself yet and I didn't want to share it with others. That just made it harder for me because I couldn't have anyone to vent and grumble to.

This just continued on.

I finish checking the papers and proceed to pass them to the teacher. I looked at the clock to see it was 12:15 pm. My squad come inside on cue. I say my salutations and apologies for not eating then proceed to look for the professor.

After passing the papers, I come back and find this sight: a bunch of classmates taking a nap, a few playing table tennis, and some are watching a movie. Sigh, just like every school day. I decide to practice my dancing. No one would be bothered anyways so I put Excuse Me by AOA on speaker then walking in front of our class' mirror, I start dancing.

This is the class president, having no fucks and dances casually to KPop.

"Okay! Now that you have your leaders, they will now choose their members."

The teacher then walks out of the classroom. We were going to have group reporting as an activity for our Biology class, and I along with 4 others were chosen as a leader. I seriously did not want to be a leader. I mean, I have been through every group activity and I wasn't a team member in every single one. Being class president sucks, I practically begged our Biology professor but she didn't care. She also gave me the ask of being the first reporter. Great.

Me and the other leaders huddle to discuss on how we distribute the class to each other.

"Guys, I'll pick this person!"

"Then I'll have this one then!"

After discussing, we have our members. And guess who's one of my members? Him, of course. Xander. I call my groupmates then proceed to discuss what we're going to do. As I finish giving instructions, I glance around us and see one particular face missing. I rolled my eyes as I knew who it is and looked for him in the class.

Love and RememberOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz