Loki's girl troubles

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(Loki has logged on)

(Thor has logged on)

(The Avengers logged on)

(Mr.Furry eyepatch guy logged on)

Mr.Furry eyepatch guy:Avengers we need to talk Loki change my name back now

(Mr.Furry eyepatch guy is now Fury)

Tony:what is it u need Fury

Fury: Loki told me he needed ur help and I agreed to tell u when he threatened to blow up New York

(Fury has logged off like a boss)

Loki: I need help talking to the new S.H.I.E.L.D agent Rosie plz help me

Tony: why don't u invite her on

Loki: I don't know Tony

(Tony has invited Agent Wolf online)

Loki: I hate u Tony

Agent Wolf: hi Loki

(Agent Wolf has become Rosie)

Loki: hi Rosie

(Everyone except Loki and Rosie have logged off)

Loki and Rosie: well that was strange

Loki: so do u want to go get something to eat

Rosie: sure where do u want to go

Loki: u can choose

Rosie: ok I know a nice place you'll love. pick me up around 8:30 pm

Loki: okay

(Rosie has logged off to get ready for the date)

Loki:  :)

(Loki has logged off to get ready)

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