Bucky Barnes vs Mischief Lokidahter

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( Everyone even Bucky and Mischief have logged on )

Bucky : hello humans

Tony : what

Bucky : Loki dared me to say that

Loki : >:)

Tony : Loki

Mischief : >:)

Tony : you two are up to no good

Mischief :* slaps Bucky in the face and punches Tony in the jaw *

Tony and Bucky : what was that for

Bucky :* tackles Mischief *

Loki :* punches Bucky in the head*

Bucky :* punches Loki in face with metallic arm *

Loki :* Ko*

Bucky :* gets face clawed by Mischief*

Susan : Johnny do something

Johnny : like what?

Mischief :* tears Bucky 's chest*

Bucky :* surrenders to Mischief*

Mischief : I defeated the mighty Bucky Barnes

Loki :* wakes up * who won

Bucky : Mischief won

Steve: How did you get your butt kicked by a cat

Bucky : she got me from behind

Natasha :* rolls on floor laughing*

Clint :* joins Natasha*

Loki :* joins the assassins*

( Everyone except Steve and Bucky have logged off dieing of laughter )

Steve : they are mean ,want to get back at them old friend?

Bucky : hell ya

( Bucky and Steve have logged off )

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