The Mischievous friends

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( Loki and Mischief have logged on )

( Everyone else has logged on )

Loki and Mischief:       >:)

Tony: I have a bad feeling about this

Loki and Mischief:*mischievous grin* ehe he he he

Clint:I'm scared hold me Natasha

Natasha:Clint get off me

Loki and Mischief:he he he he he

( Loki and Mischief have logged off to do something mischievous)

Jarvis: sir there is a cat at the door

Tony:what color

Jarvis:black with green eyes

Tony:it's Mischief and Loki

Jarvis:sir they have blown up all of your armor

Tony:noooooo not my armor whyyy

( Loki and Mischief have logged on )

Loki and Mischief:he he he he he >:)

(Loki and Mischief have logged off to blow more stuff up )

( Everyone else has logged off )

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