The child is born

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( Loki, Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo have logged on )

( The Avengers have logged on )

( Rosie has logged on )

Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo:Master Loki?

Loki : yes I'm here

Rosie : Loki I'm 8 months in my pregnancy yay

Loki : when is the child to be born?

Rosie : .............

Loki : Rosie?

Rosie : Loki I'm going into labor HELP!!!!!

Loki : hold on Rosie I'm coming

( Loki and Rosie have logged off )

( Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo have logged off following their master Loki)

( Everyone else has logged off to go help Rosie)

( The chatroom has been inactive for 5 hours)

( Everyone has logged on )

Loki : Rosie how r u doing?

Rosie : great I feel free, give me my pot o gold u dirty leprechaun. he he he he he pretty

Loki : the doctor gave her some medicine to help with the pain and now she is a little crazy

Tony : oh okay

Thor : so where is your new child

Loki : Rudolph is with Rosie let me get him

( Loki has logged off )

( Loki and Rudolph have logged on )

Tony : why is Rudolph online?

Rudolph: because father said I could

Loki : it was Rosie's idea

( Rosie has logged off )

Loki : Rosie just fell asleep I have to go

( Loki, Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, Leo, and Rudolph have logged off )

( Everyone else has logged off )

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