Little Brother

432 14 0

( Loki and Mischief have logged on )

( The Avengers have logged on )

Tony : look at what I created *presses random buttons inator blows up* oops I have no clue what just happened

Loki : >:(

Thor : Man of iron what did you do to my brother

Tony : I have no clue, why Thor

Thor : Loki is a toddler now

Loki : >:( grrrrr give me your hand *grabs Tony' s hand and bites it*

Tony : owwwww why you little, come here

Thor : Tony leave my brother alone

Loki : change me back now Tony

Tony : okay just hold on Loki *changes Loki back*

Loki : thank you

Tony : Whatever

( Loki and Mischief have logged off )

( Everyone else has logged off )

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