Invasion of the Avengers worst nightmare part six

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(  Loki, Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo have logged on )

( The Avengers have logged on )

( Mr.Furry has logged on )

Loki, Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo :*in sync in a creepy voice*  bow before us u worthless mortals Maha hahaha >:)

Mr.Furry: Loki I'm going to only ask you once stop this madness now

Loki :*in a deep,creepy voice* never

( Mr.Furry has become Fury)

Fury : okay Loki u asked for it,  Avengers assemble

Tony : Rudolph will u help us defeat your father please?

Rudolph : no I'm not going to help you with your own personal problems

Tony : they are not personal problems they are public problems

Rudolph: it's just my father and my sister and her army of cats

Clint : Loki Laufeyson and Mischief Lokidahter are still a very big problem

Tony : come on, please Rudolph Lokison?

Rudolph : no I'm not going to help you with fighting with my father and sister end of the line Stark

Tony : Rosie will you please help us to defeat Loki and Mischief?

Rosie : no I have to stay with Rudolph Lokison

Tony : oh okay

Thor : so how do we defeat my brother and my niece

Loki :u know I'm still here?

Everyone except Loki : ahhhhhhh Loki we thought you had left the chatroom

Loki : nope me and my cat army are still here

Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo : yes we are

Loki, Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo : ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha >:)

Everyone except Loki, Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo : that's just plain creepy how they talk in sync

Loki, Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo : you haven't seen creepy mwahahahahahahahahaha hahahaha

( Loki, Mischief, Mystery, Midnight, Shadow, Darkness, Phantom,Venom, Viper, Ripper, Blade, Dagger, Claw, Snake eyes, Talon, and Leo have logged off )

( Rosie and Rudolph have logged off )

Tony : so let me get this straight, Loki Laufeyson is the father of Rudolph Lokison, Mischief Lokidahter, Hela Lokidahter,Fenrir Lokison , half brother to Thor Odinson , Mother to Sleipnier Lokison, adopted son to Odin, and son of Laufey?

Thor : yes you are right

Tony : wow he has a lot to handle

Tony : he has 3 sons, 2 daughters, a half brother, an adopted father Odin, and his real father Laufey

Thor : I know

Tony : come we must take Loki and Mischief down

(Everyone has logged off )

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