The Fantastic 4 and The Avengers

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Loki : oh god

Susan : what is the matter Loki

Loki : Tony, Clint, Bruce, Thor, and Steve were really drunk last night

Tony : oh it was such fun

Johnny : you were doing crazy stuff last night

Clint : like what?

Johnny : Clint, you called me a unicorn and rode me around the city screaming all hail Hawkeye

Clint : oops

Loki : Tony was just as bad

Tony : what did I do?

Loki : you yelled at Thor and Mischief and told them to get a hold of the Hawk, so they punched you and you started fighting

Johnny : I need to get some rest

( Johnny has logged off )

Susan : what is with my brother?

Loki : Clint rode him into a wall several times

Susan : poor Johnny

Loki : I need some rest too, Tony punched me in the chest and head

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