Loki and Mischief have movie night

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( Everyone has logged on )

Loki : movie night

Tony : what movie should we watch Loki, it is your idea

Loki : how about The house at the end of the street

Steve :is it scary

Loki :*sarcasm*not at all Steve

Tony : yes let's see the movie

( Loki has played the movie)

( 2 hours later)

Loki : I think we should go to bed now

Tony, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Chris, and Mischief : yes we agree with Loki, night everyone

( Everyone except Steve has logged off )

Steve :guys, I'm not sure watching the movie was a good idea, guys

( creepy creature has logged on )

Steve: Loki is that you, Tony, Natasha, Clint, anyone

Creepy Creature :hello Steve

( Creepy Creature has logged off )

Steve :*goes into his room and climbs into his bed** door creeks open*

Loki :* jumps out of the closet and screams Steve at the top of his lungs*

Steve :* jumps out of of bed, freaking out, until he realizes it's just Loki*

Loki : ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ,oh you should have seen the look on your face when I jumped out of the closet screaming your name

Steve :not funny Loki

( Steve has logged off )

Loki : :) that was hilarious

Tony : good one Mr. Laufeyson

Loki : thank you, Mr. Stark

( Everyone has logged off dieing of laughter)

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