December 2010

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Name: Alex

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Name: Alex

Where: Q102 Jingle Ball

Date: December 8th 2010

Selected by: Allison



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Name: Blase

Where: Manchester, NH

Date: December 9th 2010

Age: She was 14 years old

Selected by: Kenny

Her Twitter: blase_charron

Her Instagram: blasecharron

Her Story: "My One Less Lonely Girl experience was more than anything I could have dreamed of. It happened when I was a freshman in high school; I was 14 and Justin was 16. I'm a senior in high school right now and I'm 17. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be a OLLG. When my mom had told me that she had gotten me tickets for Justin's My World Tour, I had almost fainted. Everyone knew I was the biggest die hard Belieber at my school and that I was just completely head over heels for Justin so everyone was pretty excited for me. The concert was originally supposed to be in September of 2010 but Justin was not feeling too good and had to cancel a few shows and move them back. Which, if you're a true Belieber, you would have noticed that in Never Say Never when Mama Jan asked him if he wanted to move a few shows or cancel a whole tour when he got a little sick from screaming and running around too much. So my show got moved to December 9th of 2010. I made shirts with two of my good friends Nina and Emily, who I chose to come to the show with me. (See the shirt in pictures below). When we got to the concert, it was a freezing cold night but that sure didn't stop thousands of little girls lining up outside and waiting for their idol to show up and that didn't stop me either. The doors had finally opened up at 6 and everyone rushed through the doors to quickly get their tickets checked and purchase their My World Tour T-shirts. Finally, the moment I had been waiting for for months had finally come. The love of my life, the small town Canadian boy who had stolen my heart in 2009 was right in front of me belting out my favorite song "Love Me". This wasn't the first time I had seen Justin; it was the second. I had also seen him at Jingle Ball in 2009 when he had a broken ankle performing in a cast. Anyways, tears were swelling up in my eyes because I couldn't believe I was 9 rows away from my idol. As a lot of songs go by I'm wondering when One less Lonely Girl would come on. Sooner than I could even think, a large man comes up behind me and taps me on the shoulder asking me the famous question, "do you wanna be the One Less Lonely Girl?" My mouth drops, realizing it's Kenny Hamilton – Justin's body guard at the time. I said yes of course and just started tearing up. By the time he had led me backstage, I was absolutely bawling my eyes out. There I met Alison, Alfredo, Scooter, Scrappy, Ryan and all of Justin's dancers. I was beyond shock and just speechless. Ryan, Allison and Alfredo all gave me hugs to try and calm me down, even though my heart was going a mile a minute. I could hear Justin start to sing One Less Lonely Girl and I could see him from beyond the curtains. My heart was racing faster than anything at this point then it was time for me to go out- in front of 10,000 screaming girls, in front of my idol, my dream was coming true. I walked out onto the stage guided by one of his dancers and I sat down on a stool. I knew Justin was right behind me on top of a platform and he would be coming down to serenade me any second. Finally he was approaching me with red roses. All I could think in my head was, OH MY GOD OH MY GOD JUSTIN BIEBER IT'S JUSTIN BIEBER. Justin Drew Bieber, the one I've been fangirling over for a year now was right in front of me about to sing to me and hug me? It was the most amazing feeling I've ever felt. As he gave me the flowers, he started dancing around while I was still crying a little bit and just thinking it was so unreal. I tried looking out into the crowd and when my eyes finally focused off of all the bright lights in my face I saw thousands of little girls faces and I'm honestly surprised I didn't faint right then and there. Justin came back over to me after dancing around me for a minute and then that was the moment. He went in and touched my cheek, believe me I was screaming on the inside!!!!!! And then Justin pulled me in for the best hug I've ever received in my life. Everytime I watch it, I die a little bit inside just because of the way he pulls me in so tight and holds me. I had finally hugged Justin, something that I could only ever imagine happening in my dreams. And the funny thing is, a few months before the concert I had a dream that Justin sang OLLG to me in front of a crowd. And what would you know, that actual dream came true. Never stop believing or dreaming. After I got off stage, Allison and his dancers guided me back a little further and there Justin was changing for his next song "Up". He looked at me and said "enjoy the rest of the show beautiful" with the biggest smile and I started crying so he gave me another hug and said goodbye. Kenny and Allison walked me back to my seat where I greeted my mom and everyone around me started to hug me and tell me how lucky I was. And I knew from that moment on I would be a Belieber for the rest of my life. His fanbase isn't just a regular fanbase. We're all one big family who has an enormous love for small town Canadian boy who changes our lives one day at a time. I don't think I could ever thank Justin enough for my OLLG Experience. He changed my life. And Justin, if you ever read this. Thank you so much, I love you, we all do."


Name: Veronika

Where: Pittsburgh

Date: December 13th 2010

Her Twitter: veroniiikax3

Her Instagram: veroniiikax3


Name: Parker

Where: Greensboro

Date: December 15th 2010

Selected by: Allison


Name: Anabella

Where: Miami

Date: December 18th 2010

Selected by: Allison

Location: First row in the backstage entrance

Her Twitter: anabellabertii

Her instagram: anabellabertii


Name: Talia

Where: Tampa

Date: December 19th 2010

Her Twitter: taliasweenor

Her Instagram: teesweennnn

*Concert I went to :D


Name: Sarah

Where: Alabama

Date: December 21st 2010

Her Twitter: sbjonesss

Her Instagram: sbjonesss


Name: Samantha

Where: Atlanta

Date: December 23rd 2010

Location: 1st row on the side

Selected by: Allison

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