August 2013

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Name: Kaitlin

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Name: Kaitlin

Where: New York City

Date: August 2nd 2013

Age: She was 15 years old

Location: Section F4, Row 3 (floor)

Selected by: Alfredo and Jenn

Her story: In the days leading up to the Brooklyn, New York show at the Barclay's Centre (August 2), Kaitlin was extremely excited and constantly tweeted about it. She even tweeted about being the One Less Lonely Girl – what if she got picked?? When the day was finally here, she danced around and had fun, watching Justin up on stage, actually in front of her. While she was showing a LOT of interest in the concert, she saw Alfredo and Jenn walking around. Then, they walked up to her and asked her the magic words that almost every girl at a Justin Bieber concert would love to hear: "Do You Want To Be The One Less Lonely Girl?" She immediately started crying. She couldn't breathe and she was in shock! When she was on stage with Justin, he was (as she describes him) flawless. There was nothing bad about him; he was just perfect. The time she spent with Justin was the best experience of her life. Before she knew it, the moment was over and she was running backstage with Justin. After the concert, many people went up to her and congratulated her. Many of them wanted to take pictures with her, which Kaitlin says was a great experience. She got a feeling of what it's like to be famous because when she grows up, she wants to be an actress. Being the OLLG was something she always wanted but it seemed impossible; she just never believed it could actually happen. Not only did she leave with the experience of a lifetime; Essence Cosmetics selected her, out of all the other shows, to receive a year's supply of cosmetics! Kaitlin's advice to anyone who dreams to be the OLLG is to never say never because you don't know what's going to happen. Don't give up; she believes in you all!



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