Everything Has Changed

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i started walking around and i saw a group of people being trampled and I decided to check out who it was that's when my life changed Team mother flippin 10 "omg" i run up to them and hug Jake first and get a picture with him and then the twins and Ivan didn't stop looking at me and when i hugged Emilio i held him for longer bc i got caught in my thoughts and Ivan looked at Emilio like he just killed his entire family and that scary security guard came twords me saying i needed to hury up but Emilio pushed him away and went back to holding me which I low key liked my sister came over here and looked at me the same way Ivan looked at Emilio bc she liked Emilio more and i had been hugging him for a while now so I let go and when i pulled out of the hug he kissed my cheek and the i went over to Ivan and kissed his cheek i can tell it made him happier and he hugged me and kissed the top of my head and pulled away.They were announcing that they were about to shut down vidcon for the day so i grabbed my sister and went twords jake so we could ask to audition to be in team 10 and he said he would think about it he gave me his number and told me he would keep in touch he kissed my cheek and they left but before i walked off someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug it was...chance I smiled and he pulled away and said "did u think i would let a pretty girl like u go without a hug?" i laughed and he smiled at my laugh and he looked me up and down and looked back into my eyes and smiled and i told him i might get into team 10 and he just looked at me hugged me and whispered "i have a good feeling u will but im going to need ur number" i smiled and gave him my number and then walked off 

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