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When I got to the team 10 house everyone got out of the van and when I got to the front chance was standing there with his hand out offering me help getting down.i took his offer and got out of the van "Kayla will you please talk to me"I looked down "why" "bc i love you" "if u loved me why were you kissing Tessa?" "I wasn't thinking." "ok" "so will you take me back" "no" he looked down "why?" "bc u and Tessa are meant to be together and I don't want to be in the way of that" "but i want to be with you" i smiled a little "and I wanted to be with you" "when i kissed her it wasn't as special as it was with you" "chance,i love you i really do but i can't let myself get hurt again" "I won't i promise i only love you when i kissed her it made me realize that nobody compares to you" "that's something you should have already knew" "i'm sorry" "it's ok we can be friend if ur lucky" i winked "ok i'll take it" i was finally over Chance i no longer saw him as anything more than my best friend.Me and Chance walked inside and when we opened the door everyone stared  at us like they we expecting us to be making out."IS KANCE AND CHAYLA BACK!?" Ivan looked up from his phone and looked into my eyes waiting for an answer "no guys were just friends" Ivans face lit up when I said that "ughhh u guys suck i need some content for today's vlog" Jake said i laughed and walked upstairs Emilio was in the ratchet room sitting on the bed alone he looked kind of down so i went to check on him "hey Emi you okay?" he got up off the bed and walked up to were his face was so close  to mine "no i'm not i don't know if i can be with out you" he said and grabbed my face and kissed me.oh my lanta he thinks i'm Kaye speaking of Kaye she walked in ig she thought i was kissing Ivan "oh sorry i'll come back later" i pulled away "Emilio what are you doing" "i like you" "no you like Kaye not me" "Kayla!?" "yeah" "oh god i'm so sorry" "its ok but u need to go find Kaye" "right ok thank you" i took a deep breath and walked down stairs to see Emilio was stopped on the stairs and looked heart broken "what is i-"i stopped when i saw what he was looking at Kaye and Ivan kissing."WHAT THE HELL IVAN!?" "what Kayla" Kaye said giving me a look like she was trying to tell me to leave oh my lord she thought she was kissing Emilio "Kayla?" Ivan said confussed "wait so if thats Kayla then ur-ohhhh" "yeah ohhhh wth Ivan" "i didn't know i thought that was you" "I can tell the difference when ur brother kisses me thinking i'm Kaye but you can't tell the difference between me and my sister!?" "I din't see her she just walked up and started kissing me i wasn't able to see her face" "i can't believe this rn" i stormed of running upstairs before i started crying i ran into the ratchet room bc i knew ether Chance or Anthony was in there i looked inside and saw Anthony playing video games i ran inside shut the door i was crying and he ran up to me and hugged me "what happened?" "i-iv-Ivan kissed Kaye" "it's okay i got you" i started sobbing into his chest "shhhhh shhh it's going to be ok" he pulled my chin up and looked into my eyes "Kayla you amazing if they can't see that that's there issue" "but first Chance kisses Tessa and now Ivan he says he didn't know it was her and he thought it was me but idk" "Kayla...i love you" he picked me up and pinned me against the wall and kissed me.It felt like me and Chance's first kiss and it didn't compare to Ivan's but since i had nobody else I went with it i liked Anthony i stopped kissing him for a second "can i say something real quick?" "anything" "Toner!"😂(only if u watch the vlogs) "omg i love you so much" he said bashing his lips into mine.he started sucking on my neck and i tried not to moan but i did I didn't want to do any thing with him yet bc i wanted to wait so i just told him and we went down stairs together we were holding hands but i don't think it mattered.I looked around and i didn't see Ivan "were's Ivan?" i asked Jake "are you guys a thing now?" he said pointing at me and Anthony's hands i let go of his hand "no,were's Ivan!?" "he left he said to tell you be loved you and he was sorry" "oh no" i pulled out my phone and called him he didn't answer I started crying "NO!" "NO IVAN PLEASE ANSWER!" no answer i ran outside and got in the car i started driving around places i thought he might be i wasn't doing the speed limit but i didn't care i was crying and blaming myself "NONE OF THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF U STAYED WITH HIM!!!!" i yelled at myself i swerved a little out of control and i crashed into a pole everything went black and all i could here was my breath slowly fading away.

A/N i'm sorry its a cliffhanger but i'm going to try and update tomorrow

were is Ivan?Is Kayla ok?idk find out in my next chapter 

s/o to my best friend thank you for helping me through my hard times ive had lately ily martinez buddy

i originally had a different story for this chapter but i didn't like it so i started over hope u like it

like vote comment you know do whatcha gotta do peace✌️ 

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