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When we got to the house we just stood there and looked at the door "ready?" "ready" "on 3" "1" "2" "3" i opened the door and the lights were off and there was confetti all over the floor "did we miss out own surprise?" my sister whispered "shhh" i hear sad music tho like emotion stuff and i tried to turn the light on but it didn't work but then a projector screen popped up on the wall at first it was just blank but then...our dad? "Kayla...Kaye...I know i haven't been the best dad that u deserve and iv'e not really been there for you" my eyes were already forming tears i looked over at Kaye who was about to cry too i grabbed her hand and nodded and looked back up at the screen."and I know it's hard for u guys not having ur guys have always been so close-" he stopped and a tear fell from his eye...he tried to talk again but he couldn't find the words... a tear fell from my eye "a-and i know that ur all grown up now and ur not my little baby's anymore but i will always love you and now that u have these amazing people to care for you i don't have to worry anymore..." (if ur crying now just wait till the last one omg)it faded away to my brothers "HEY SISSY" my little brother said and we laughed threw our tears Ethan was just sitting there and then he looked up "Kaye and Kayla...or thing 1 and thing isn't the same without you guys but i guess u have a new family now and they will take good care of you i doubted u guys and ur strength to get were u are now i didn't believe in u guys and i should have you guys are the only people in the world who understands what i'm going threw and i know that yes Kayla ur my best friend and i could never loose you but i do love you too Kaye and i couldn't loose you ether i hope u guys are happy were you are and i hope you come visit..." he walked off bc he was starting to tear up my little brother Tatum cam up to the screen "sissy..when are u guys coming back?i miss you guys its no fun when it's only guys theres noone to bug well you could bug them but it does no good they don't get mad like you guys..." he went running and i could hear him yelling for ethan and i smiled a little and then my step brothers came up and yes i love them just as much as my real brothers "no kidding you get mad,one time i took her I pad and she put makeup on me while I was asleep" "yeah and what's ur seceret?how did u get Ethan to cry i can never do that and one time i pushed him down the stairs...we just wanted u to know wee lovee yooouu" it once again faded away and this time it was chance and Anthony (chance was talking)"hey guys i know we arent going to top what ur dad and brothers said but we can try...first Kayla i want you to know how much i love you..." "i can't really put it into changed me and i know it's my fault we arent together anymore and im sorry truly for what i did but i want you to know i want you to have the best you-you deserve the universe and i'm-just a star i hope you find someone who makes u happy and doesn't do what i did to screw it up and i just want to know that we will always be something no matter what even if we arent dating i hope we can be friends bestfriends idk just i can't go without you ik it sounds cheasy but i really can't..and Kaye you are like a sister to me u and I are like bacon and eggs u know good apart but better together" (now anthony) "Kayla...I don't know were to start with you...ur everything iv'e ever looked for in a girl ur perfect in every way and even when u don't think so you are and i hope ur happy with whoever you get together with...and Kaye i'll say didow to what Chance said and let you see the rest" they swiped right with there hands and the screen swiped over to chad,then Tristan,and Tessa and Erika and then Emilio came up "oh god ok so Kaye i know u probably know this already but i-i really like you and i don't know if u feel the same or not but honestly u are perfect and i could never see myself with anyone but you and thank you Kayla for helping me threw that bc without you it wouldn't have been possible for me to be saying this right now" and then Ivan "Kayla...i don't have words to say to you how much of an impact u have on my life and how much you mean to me and u just are litterally the greatest,sweetest,amazing person in the world and...i love you for that...Kaye i really want to thank you for being there for me to support my decistion bc i know you told me you liked me but i just couldn't think of it as any other way then with Kayla and u were so understanding about it..." WHAT she liked Ivan? i didn't know that!!!then Jake was up there "guys i wanted to make this spetial and u might be a bit confused this is our way of saying "and then all of team then was there "welcome to team 10"they all said and i i crying so hard and so was Kaye. after that we thought it was over bc it went black but then white words came up and said "we have  one more surprise for you" we were confused at first but then the screen went white again and a video played omg-omg is mom "omg..." i said holding my sisters hand tighter she began to talk "my baby's u won't see this untill ur 16 and ur only baby's right now but just in case im not there for you when u get older i want you to watch this and it might be a little hard to see if i am gone but just guys are already the love's of my life and i could never ever have anything better of a life as i d right now.i hope ur life's turns out as perfect as mine did and you guys find someone who you love and who loves you and i have grow old together with perfect children like the two of you..." a baby started crying...  "oh little Kayla wants to say hi say hi" she pulled my arm up and waved at the camera then another baby started crying   "you guys never could spend longer then a second without each other i hope that never changes bc that's a special bond you guys have say hi little Kaye say hi" well i got to go put you two to sleep i love you never forget that..."  it turned off and i turned to my sister and we were both in tears and i gave her a hug and we sat there and cried in each others arms. and then we pulled away and all of team ten came out from behind the projector and Jake had his camera set up to see our reaction and he had one in his hand when he came out too we were crying still and when he saw he said awe guys don't cry and he put his camera down and hugged me and everybody gave us a hug and then i realized something..."wheres the Ivan?" i don't know,he was with us" i walked up stairs and into my room and i saw him standing there i jumped into his arms and whispered "i love you too"

A/N~guyyyys i legit cried writing this it's soo sad but i hope you enjoyed maybe next chapter Kivan will be official...and yes now Kaye and Kayla are officially part of team ten!!!yayyyyyy

like comment vote you know do whatcha gotta do PEACE!!!✌️

like comment vote you know do whatcha gotta do PEACE!!!✌️

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^^^^^me writing this chapter😂^^^^^

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