Night out

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"we need to celebrate!" Jake said almost yelling. "were would we go?" "wherever you want it's yalls  night out" " bout the fair?" "OMG YES LETS DO IT" Kaye yelled "ok well you guys go get ready and who all do you want to come?" "Everyone duh" me and Kaye said at the same time we looked at each other and laughed.Everyone went to there rooms to get ready and since we were going to the fair i didn't want to be TOO dressed up so me and Kaye found matching outfits that were cute but not too cute.(^the outfits in the picture^) we put our make-up on  and got ready when we went downstairs everybody was down the and ready "Woah" Jake said I smiled and looked at everybody and all the guy had there jaws open i laughed "jaws up boys"i walked past them and to Jake "you'll catch flys" i said patting Jake's chest  and put my hand on his chin and pushed it upward the i grabbed my sister's arm and we walked to the team 10 van...we knew there would be fans there and they would trample Jake and them but we didn't care we just wanted to have fun...when I got in the car Ivan sat next to me so I was in between Ivan and Chance and then Anthony was in front of me Jake was driving Chad was in the passenger seat and Kaye was sitting next to Anthony and Emilio...Nick,Erika and Tessa were sitting next each other and behind them was Tristan and Alex(Justin couldn't come)...(I hope I didn't skip anybody)  on the way there Chance fell asleep in my lap and Ivan fell asleep on my shoulder...I took a picture of both of them.And then we were there and so i had to wake them up first Ivan i looked at him and smiled...he is so cute when he is asleep i brushed my fingers through his hair and down his cheek admiring him "Ivan were here wake up" i said my hand still on his cheek he got up and took my hand off his face and kissed the top of it  "still beautiful"he said and i pointed at Chance "still asleep" he laughed and stepped one step out of the van "yeah good luck with that" he said.Now both him feet were out and he walked up to the rest of the gang "Chance" "you gotta get up " i said gently "Chance" i got up and he was awake "well hi there sleepyhead" "were here?" "yeah" he walked by me but then stopped "Kayla?" "yeah?" "one more thing" "sure" "u look beautiful tonight." "thank do to" i chuckled "so i'm beautiful?" "sure are" he looked down then back up at me "i'll take it" then he grabbed my hand and helped me out of the van we ran to catch up with the rest of team 10.


we went on a few rides and I shared a funnel cake with Jake we took pictures and i took one and posted it

we went on a few rides and I shared a funnel cake with Jake we took pictures and i took one and posted it

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caption: living my life perfectly😇

after that we saw ANOTHER group of fan girls come up to us which i mean i can't judge them bc Kaye and I were fan girls too at one point Jake saw that i was bored and what happened next was beyond my understanding "JAKE PAULERS I AM SORRY TO INFORM YOU BUT WE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTING ANY MORE FANS WE LOVE YOU BUT TONIGHT IS ALL ABOUT KAYLA AND KAYE YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT YET BC WE HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO POST YET BUT YOU WILL GET IT TOMORROW...TONIGHT WE JUST WANT TO LIVE LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE OK?THANK YOU AND I'LL SEE YOU TOMORROW BC IT'S EVERYDAY BRO" "wow thanks Jake" "don't sweat it" we walked back over to the next ride and we stayed out until like 12:00  but them we all headed into the van and we went home when we got back to the T10 house everybody was tired so they went to sleep except Jake bc he had to edit so i decided i would chill in his room with him while he edits.I was laying there and my stomach started to twist up and my mouth started watering and it only does that when i am about to puke so i ran to the bathroom and like in a split second Jake was there beside me he grabbed my hair gently and pulled it into a pony tail and held it with is hands a tiny slip of my bangs fell but i wasn't worried about that.i was puking for a few minutes after that so Jake was now in the floor beside me holding my hair back and also helping me with everything else i stood up and almost fell over.I felt so dizzy so i layed back down on jake's bed and fell asleep.

A/N~OML i haven't updated in forever!!! lmao funny story i wrote this update in ISS...whoops's lit and next chapter has a big twist so stay tuned and as always


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