The End

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   we we're hoping he didn't see us but I'm pretty sure he did and we kept walking but then we heard someone yell our names we stopped and I rolled my eyes before turning around to be face to face with shirtless Jake "what??" I growl at him "look okay I'm sorry that I hurt you guys I didn't mean for it to happen like that..." "You're sorry??You're sorry!!sorry isn't enough Jake you treated them like a piece of trash.You made fun of them because they didn't know how to speak English yet you know how fucked up that is?!and you have the balls to come up to me,his REAL wife someone who actually loves him not just getting married for views,and try to apologizes for it???No you can leave and never EVER try to speak to me,my sister,or the twins Goodbye Jake"I turn around grabbing Ivan and walked away and Kaye and Emilio followed


I look over at Ivan who has been smiling at me since we got back inside "what?" I say with a laugh "that was hot" I laugh at his statement and get up and sit in the chair with him "he treated you like shit Ivan" he looked down "I know" I look up at him and see the sadness in his eyes "hey,baby it's okay we're okay now" he looked at me and shook his head and smashed his lips into mine.We continued making out for a little bit until he picked me up and brought me into our bedroom


Ivan and I were cuddling in bed and I was tired so I started to drift off to sleep but Ivan stopped me "babe you can't go to sleep" "why not" "because we could be doing other things" "what other things?" I ask my face berried in his chest "things like this" he pulled my face up and kissed me I kissed back and it was like I was on top of him but then he rolled me over so he was on top of me without breaking the kiss and he was kissing my neck  then he went to my chest and further down leaving a trail of hickeys down my neck I moan and he smiles against my skin...


**listen to this song at this part**

I was at the pool with Kaye and these two guys came up to us "can I help you" I say not even looking at them and Kaye didn't either.a few second and they still haven't left or even said anything "look you're blocking my sun-" I pull up my sunglasses and my mouth dropped when I saw who it was...Chance and Anthony "wtf are you doing here" I bounce up from my seat and Kaye looks up from her phone looking as surprised as I was."you look good" Chance speaks eyeing my body I glare at him at he clears his throat "sorry" I look in his eyes and can tell how red and puffy they are...was he crying?? "what are you doing here Chance?" he looks at me and laughs while he shakes his head as if I should know what he's here for."I want you back" he speaks and I raise my eyebrows shocked by his answer "Chance you know I can't" he looks down and I frown "Chance I know you think you still love me but-" he cut me off "no Kayla!!I KNOW I love you...and it hurts everyday because of it and I know you're married now but come on Kayla please" I look down and a tear falls I hate this because I don't want to hurt him but I love Ivan I can't break him again "Chance I-" "don't Kayla...don't say it" a tear falls from his eye "I just wanted you too know I love you..." he looks at me and hugs me and it seemed like it lasted forever but I wanted it to last longer because it made me feel better about the fact that I hurt him...he pulls away and walks off with Anthony

I grabbed my stuff and walked to our room and sat on the bed and cried for what seemed like hours...Ivan came in and sat next to me "what's wrong babe?" he hugs me "Chance is here...he came up to me and told me he loved me" I could feel his hands clench into a fist "and I didn't want to hurt him again but I had to and now I feel like the world shittiest bitch" he calms down and kisses the top of my head."you did what you had to do " he says and I lay in his arms which mad me feel safe.

"The End" "so that's how you and mommy met?" the little girl asks her father "yep and a few years later we had you and it was the best decision of our lives"  "woooow" "now get some sleep princess we have a big day tomorrow" "ok daddy I love you" "I love you too princess"

A/N:AHH this is the last author note I get to do for this book...I'm sad it's over but more to come you guys!!!I wanted to say thank you for all of the people who actually like this book and gave me support including one of my best friends who is the whole reason I made this and kept making it I love you Kenze (aka Kaye) and for my last time saying this...

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