The Morning After

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I look around and see Jake laying beside me with hiss messy hair.I never puke in front of people idk what happened last night but i'm glad I had Jake there to support me.I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom my breath tasted funnel cake and soda mixed with eggs and bacon seeing how that's all i ate all day yesterday I brushed my teeth and didn't even bother to brush my hair i just threw it into a messy bun and put on some cloths i wore some light blue faded jeans with rips in them with my Adidas shoes and i looked around for a shirt and couldn't find one so i peeked out of the door Jake's still asleep so i ran over and grabbed the first thing i saw and ran back i put it on and looked in the mirror to reveal Jake's hoodie I put it over my bra let and did my make-up then ran down stairs i peeked around the corner to see who all was in there Tessa then Jake came down with his vlog camera and i looked at him "shhh" i whisper as he turns the camera at me and then at Tessa.I think he understood the plan bc he nodded "1..." "2.." 3...BOOOOO!" me and Jake yell in-sink witch makes it louder "AHH!" she nearly fell out of the bar stool and complained "guys not funny" "totally was" Nick said comeing from the garage laughing.when i saw Nick my face lit up for some reason and i ran up to him and hugged him.He was confused but he hugged back "good morning Nick" i say kissing his cheek with a smile "good morning Kayla" he smiled confused but greatfull i look around and realize that Chance,Anthony,Emilio, or Ivan were here "wheres the ratchets" I say taking a sip of my juice i just poured "well Chance,Anthony and Emilio are at the gym waiting on me whick i'm waiting on Ivan who is still asleep...btw nice hoodie" he says pointing the camera at me and i pretend to model and then walk up to the camera "link in bio...always plugggg" he looks at me with a goofy smile and then points the camera back at him "what can i say they learn from the best"  i was going to go to wake up Ivan who ig you could say we were dating but i really don't know if it's official or not so i didn't act like we were a couple but he made me happy and i loved that about him i was head over heals in love with this guy since day one when my sister and I would fight over who got who...I always like Ivan more ik there twins "identical" but it's more than that...sure there both sweet and all but there's just something about Ivan that draws u too i walk up the stairs my phone dings 

the notification just said

Eth😇 sent image...

i open the message and it was a picture of me and him it was so cute so I screenshoted it and posted it. 

caption: ~We all nee a guy best friend~

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caption: ~We all nee a guy best friend~

i knew that might make him feel "friend zoned" but he was my best friend


A little bit after I posted it i got a notification

@imchancesutton commented on your photo...

i opened it and he said "😘" i smile and after fangirling over a guy who i know already broke my heart and I know i shouldn't be attracted to i commented replying to him "Damn you😘" then i lock my phone and put it in my back pocket and head to wake Ivan up.When i walked in the room my heart dropped to my stomach and I just stair not believing my eyes Ivan and another girl he looked over at me and his eyes widen a tear drops from my eye and i cover my mouth with my palm to stop me from screaming i slam the door and run down stairs and break down at the bottom of them.on my knees crying not being able to think or focus i see Jake run and falls beside me...he grabbed me and held me in his arms rocking me back and forth "it's ok hey...look at me" he says cuping my face in his hands "talk to me" he says as i try to find the right words to describe what I just saw "Ivan...girl...r-oom" i choke to say hearing those words make me cry even harder and Jake's eyes fill with anger and he stands up and rushes upstairs i worry as of what he will do to Ivan so i chase after him but as he enters the room i see them which reminds me of the situation.I ran to the bathroom and i look in the mirror and then i look down and see a pill... I pick it up and look closely at it and try to see what it is but then i see the box and it reads "the morning after pill" i cry harder and realize that i had hope for it to all be a misunderstanding and not be true but this makes it all piece together i grab the box and run into the room to see Ivan on the floor with blood coming from his mouth and nose i want to cry at the sight of him hurt but i can't feel sorry for him right now "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS IVAN!?" "Kayla let me expl-" he starts but i cut him off "WERE YOU PLANNING ON TELLING ME THAT U ARE HAVING SEX WITH SOME CHEAP ASS WHORE!?" "Kayla it's not like that just please listen..." he says as his voice cracks and i look over at Jake his knuckles are bleeding and bruised i look around...looking for the bitch who did this...when i looked over i saw she was in the bathroom i looked at him then back at the door as i realize me or Jake have seen who it was so i walked over to the bathroom door and opened it a short brown headed girl who looks about 19 maybe 20 wearing dark jeans and Ivan's savage hoodie i grab her by her hair and pull her out in front of Ivan "Kayla don't" he says reading my mind as i release her and punch her in the face making blood fall from her nose i punch her a few more times until Jake pulls me off of her "stop...u might kill her" she stood up and so did Ivan he walked up to me and she handed him a small box and he grabbed it out of her hand and went down on one knee and i look up at her and back down at him tears form at the brim of my eye "Kayla Jade Marie...I love you and i have since the first day i met u" a tear falls from my eye and i cover my face with my and and laugh at me self "i hope for u to always be happy and with this ring..." he opens the box to reveal a beautiful ring "i promise to always be there to give that to you" he says and slides it on my finger and stands up grabbing my face and whispers "you're all mine now" right before he seals it with a kiss i pull away as I realize what i just did...I walk twored her and give her a hug "i-I am so sorry...I-I-I'm sorry" I say crying "that's totally ok I just hope you are happy" i smile "i am thanks to you" i take her to the bathroom and clean her off and do doctor stuff "you didn't have to do that" she says smiling "i owed it to you" she nodds and leaves then i deal with Jake "hey" I say patting his knuckles with a towel "you are know that" "so iv'e heard" he laughs and then makes a face warning me it hurt "sorry..." after it's no longer bloody i bring it to my lips and lay a slight kiss on it and then wrap it up with a he walks out I see Ivan walk in i nearly cry seeing how bad he is "i'm so sorry-" i start but he interrupts me with a hug "i love you" he whispers "sit down" I say pulling away from the amazing hug he sits down and i clean him up as he explains everything "so why was she wearing ur hoodie?" i look at him "she was a fan so I gave her some merch" "and the morning after pills?" "uhh well u might want to ask Tessa about that one..." he says and i quickly realize what that means "Chance?" i whisper to myself


When I finished cleaning Ivan's face i quickly pulled out my phone and texted Chance

"U had sex with Tessa!?"

A/N~hey guys so ik it's not the best but i'll do better next time and if ur wondering why Kaye wasn't in this chapter at all it's bc she is at home visiting her friend Cat I never got the chance to put that in bc i tried to mainly focus on this so i just wanted u to know that...Also i wanted to thank you for the support ya'll are so amazing and about the whole break up thing i think i'm over it mainly bc he already has a new girlfriend...the day he broke up with me he already had someone else...apparently he was talking to her while we were dating anyways.But idk...but you know comment like vote you know do whatcha gotta do peace!!!!✌️ 

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