Chapter 2

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"So Amy what is going on r u going to New York or r u going to stay here with Ricky and John?"
"I do not know I'm so confused I really want to go to New York but I really love my family and I know if I go I'm going to miss them"  "Amy what is your heart telling u to do" "I do not know Adrian that is why this is so heard for me that's why I came here to my parents so I could think about it I only have two weeks to decide if I'm going or staying so what would u do?" "I do not know I can not tell u what to do Amy u have to make this decision on your own but I'm your best friend and I will support any decision that u make I love u like a sister I know we have had our ups and downs but we always get though it"  "I love u too Adrian"  "So how r u and Ben"  "We r OK we r just trying to made this Marriage work for our baby girl he really is sweet it's just I'm not in love with him and I just wonder sometimes if we did not have our daughter where would we be u know when we almost lost her I thought that was the end of us" "I know Adrian I know but I know u two and u two will fall in love u both just have to give it time"  "OK"  "So Amy u should come over Ben is at work and we can play games on his Xbox"  "OK get me get John really than we can go" "John we r going to go over to Adrian's OK so get your shoes on" John jumps up and down he is so happy to be going over there. Me and Adrian just laugh at him we all Go down stairs I tell my parents where I'm going and that I will be back later than we get in Adrian's car to go to her place

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