chapter 9

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Adrian's POV
After I left the hospital I called Amy she picked up on the first ring "hey Adrian how is he" I start to cry "what's wrong" "he lost his memory Amy he doesn't even remember us" "I am so sorry so what did they say" "well the nurses said they're going to run some tests but they think that he lost his memory I hope it's not for good but if it is we'll have to try our best to help him get his memory back I just hope he'll want to come home" "of course I'll do anything that I can to help just let me know" "thank you Amy I'm on my way home do you think you can help me with the baby" "of course" "okay well I'll see you soon" "okay see you soon bye" and with that we hung up the phone. I buckle my baby into a car seat so we can head home. I cried all the way home which didn't help anything because me crying made the baby cry. So we're both crying all the way home. I get home and Amy's already waiting for me in the driveway. She sees that me and the baby are both crying so she gets the baby out of her car seat. I give her my keys and tell her I need a moment alone. She shakes her head yes because she understands. So she takes the baby and goes in the house. I stay in the car and cry for a good 20 minutes. I calm myself down. I go in the house and the baby is sleeping now. "Thank you Amy" "you're welcome I fed her before she went to sleep" "so Adrian I've been wanting to ask you why was Ben out so late?" "I feel so bad he was out so late because me and him got in a fight and he went to go stay with his dad and then he got into the car accident" "what was the fight about if you don't mind me asking" "you" there was an awkward silence before Amy finally spoke "well I was thinking since he lost his memory we could not tell him that me and him ever dated it work out for me and you, you know since I'm in love with Ricky" "yeah that would be great"

Amy's POV
I knew she seen him looking at me I was just hoping that she didn't I'm not happy that ben lost his memory but I do think it's going to be a good thing that he doesn't remember who I am or that we ever dated. I'm hoping now him and Adrian in the baby can be happy together as a family the baby deserves to have both her parents together. It took me a long time to realize that John needed me and Ricky. "so Adrian the baby should be waking up from her nap soon I think we should just go for a walk" "yeah sounds good maybe it'll help me clear my head a little" "so the nurses said that I can come back tomorrow to see him they'll give me a call after they do the test" "did they say when he's going to be able to come home" "no not yet"

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