chapter 7

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Amy's POV
I just got off the phone with Adrian. I hope he wake up soon I call everyone and let them know what is going on. Ricky told me to call him if I need him.

Back at the hospital

Adrian's POV

We sit here just waiting for the doctor to come. The doctor walks in with a sad looking face before he even said anything I knew something was wrong "I'm so sorry but Ben is in a coma" all I could do was cry and say this is all my fault "it is not your fault Adrian u did not know he was going to get in a car accident on his way to my place" "but if we did not get in to a fight he would not have left" "u can not keep blaming your self he will get though this" "can we see him" "yes" we go in his room and see him and all I can do is cry Leo trys to comfort me "can u please just take me home" "yes"  with this we left the car ride was quiet I get to my place I say bye to Leo than I go inside still crying I calm myself down. Than go in the living room to see Amy still watching TV so I sit with her. "They said he is in a coma" "wow I'm so sorry Adrian" "so where is John" "he is with his dad I stay with my parents during the week and with Ricky and John on the weekends" "OK so your parents still living together" "yes but I dad is about to move in with wife number one" "u still call her that" "yes" we both laugh "so Amy can u stay with me tonight?" "yes" just let me call Ricky can let him know" I called Ricky the phone ring 2 times then he picked up "Hello" "hey Ricky I just waned u to know Adrian needs me to stay the night because she just fond out Ben is in a coma" "OK I love u" "love u too" with that we hong up.

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