chapter 11

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Adrian's POV 
So left the baby with Amy so I can go see my dad on my way there I just cry I pull up in my dad's driveway and dry my eyes then I go knock on the door after I knock three times my dad opens the door "hi Dad" "hi sweetie how's been how's the baby" "well Ben lost his memory for good and the baby is good" "I am so sorry to hear that sweet" "thanks Dad I'm so worried when they let him go home he's not going to want to go home with me you mean he doesn't really know me anymore" "well maybe when you go visit him you can take pictures of you and the baby and try to comfort him a little bit on wanting to come home with you" "yeah sounds like a good idea thanks for the advice dad where's Mom?" "she is at work but she told me to tell you hi and that she loves you" "well when you talk to her tell her I love her too" "well sorry I can't stay long but I want to go to the hospital and see Ben but first I'm going to go by the house and pick up some pictures thanks for the idea  dad" "anytime sweetie just make sure you stay strong okay" "okay bye dad I love you" "love you too sweetie" and with that I left my dad's house to go to my house so I can pick up some pictures and go see Ben but before I go see Ben I need to call Amy see if she can keep the baby while I talk to Ben and show him some pictures of us. I called Amy she picked up on the second ring "hello" "hey Amy I was just wondering if you can keep the baby while I go see Ben cuz I want to show him some pictures and try to get him a little more comfortable with me before he gets released to come home" "sure no problem" "okay thank you so much Amy" "you're welcome anytime" with that we hung up the phone I went by my place picked up a few pictures  and than I drove to the hospital I got to the hospital went straight to Ben's room and sit down so I can talk to him "hi Ben how are you feeling today" "I'm okay" "well I brought some family pictures of me you and our baby" after I said that he started to tear up "please don't cry" "I just hate that I don't remember my own wife and child" "I know but it's not your fault and I know you'll never get your memories back but that's okay we can make new memories" "thanks Adrian I could already tell that you're a great wife" I smiled at my husband and showed him the pictures and explain the pictures and where we were "thank you so much for all this Adrian it really does make me feel connected to you and the baby I know I'm never going to remember but you show me pictures and explaining everything to me makes me feel more connected to you two" "you're welcome and glad that they help" "so I talked to the doctor earlier he told me I should keep a journal and write how things are going everyday in it and that I should take therapy to help me get through all of this" "I think that's a great idea" "where is our daughter" "I had Amy watch her so I could come see you I wanted some one-on-one time with you" "and who's Amy again" "Amy is my best friend and also your best friend's girlfriend" "I have a best friend oh" "yeah sorry he's been working so he said he hasn't had a chance to come see you but he says he wants to come see you soon hopefully" "well if you don't mind can you just tell him to wait until I get home and maybe he can come see me in a few weeks cuz I want to get to know you and our baby better first before I bring anyone else back into my life" "yeah I can do that he will understand" we sat and talked and laughed for a while then we said our goodbyes so I can go pick up the baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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