It all begins...

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The thought of the encounter with the Invaders were glued to Y/N's head, they were gonna kill Kazuto without any remorse.

Still, Y/N had to focus on his current mission. Him and Kazuto were on a mission to deal with the conflict between Spartans and the Centurions, two of Avalon's​ biggest player-created factions.

It was on of those quiet nights with Kirito, walking down the dirt pathway, trees served as a barrier between us and the open plains.

Weird thing was, we haven't seen Silica all day, as if she outright disappeared

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Weird thing was, we haven't seen Silica all day, as if she outright disappeared.

"Attention, all players must exit out of Avalon Online!!".

"What's wrong?".


"Hackers zzzzZzzztt.... Overriding..... Systems!".


Athena was blocked out of the system, and was replaced by the man from the incident.

"Hello players of Avalon, I am your new god now, the Invaders are your new masters".

"What the hell!?".

The Invaders have hacked into Avalon Online, taking over Athena's place. They now have become god.

This is a problem, they can control the games configurations, settings, and everything at massive scale.

"You are now trapped in this game, you cannot exit, nor can you reboot, if you do, then your EndGear will cause brain death to you".

"If you die in here...You die in real life!".

"Hail to the Invaders!".

"This can't be happening".

"We have to regroup with Silica and Asune fast, if he says is true...Then".

They then hear Silica's scream, Y/N and Kirito bolted to the location of the sound.

Back in the real world, the Invaders began attacking Animus Realities other beta tester games.

Fallout online Beta - Wasteland VRMMORPG

Fallout online Beta - Wasteland VRMMORPG

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