The Bridge between Worlds

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Thursday, June 29, to many it's just a normal day. However, to those who were trapped in VRMMORPGs...It was the day when the games finally made contact with each other.

The Order quickly began to pickup steam in power and might within days. An entire town has been under Order control, and now they've made it their headquarters.

Santiago, Arthur, Charles, and Y/N have become the horsemen, the most influential and powerful members in the Order.

One day, while the horsemen, Spartan Alliance, and Kirito we're planning an offensive to push back the Centurions away from Athens. A women appeared before the group with a message from one of the VRMMORPGs.

"Is this true, is this really a message from the VRMMORPGs?".

"Yes, my sister sent me a message from the game Honor and Valor!".

She showed us the message, her sister was a British sniper in the game, she spent her time fighting off the invading Nazi players. Recently she sent a message to contact Hilda, it finally went through.

"If we can contact Honor and Valor, then maybe we can contact with Deadlands, Remnant, Fallout, Noir, Aether Prime, Warframe, and Meta!".

"Contact her again, see if she can send her superiors our gamer tags!".

"Yes paladin!".

It took several minutes, a message appeared on Y/N's inbox, it was from Honor and Valor, it was from the captain of British Sniper squad.

Cpt. Stone
"Hello, this Cpt. Stone, is anyone there?".

"Cpt. Stone, this is Paladin Reaper of Avalon Online".

Cpt. Stone
"No way, is there any else with you?".

"Yes, we are trapped in here by hackers".

Cpt. Stone
"So are we, we've been trying to find ways out of here, but to no avail".

"Can you find anyone from your squad that knows anyone from another game?".

Cpt. Stone
"Yes, I have several from this game called Deadlands".

It all fell in place, the games began to contact each other, sibling reconnecting with sibling, friend with friend, everyone can finally relax.

However, there were many unlucky few to find out that their sibling, friend, mate have died.

Little did we know that already 400.000 players have died, the majority from Deadlands​.

We now know that we can contact other games, but now our next mission, is to get to them. Every player is registered in Animus Realities, meaning that every player can play any of these games, but that doesn't mean their registered​ in those games.

For now, we have to worry about the war between the Centurions. Winter is coming, and Order is ready for war.

The Winter war has begun

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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