Chapter 10

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He ran outside, sipping a cup of coffee. It was a rare occasion that he actually got to drink it. The liquid was warm and energizing, but not exactly the type Cosmo enjoyed.

The forest was not different from yesterday. No signs of humans but the sound of Cosmo's breathing and the house he was standing near. Nobody's here, he reassured himself.

After finishing the cup, he placed it back on the table and waited for Willow to wake up. Outside the back window, the mountains were visible. That's where we'll go today, Cosmo thought.

The mountains seemed as clear as the forest. People didn't seem to have visited this place at all. Again, Cosmo felt guilty. Blocking the idea, he looked closer. No trash, nothing out of place. Just like he had imagined Laora when he was young.

"You there?"

Willow peered into the bedroom.

"Yes. Good morning," Cosmo stood up.


He approached Willow and gestured at him to follow. As Cosmo's feet fell on the grass, Willow kicked off his shoes.

"Don't do this. We're going to the mountains."

"I'll put them on when the rocks start," he picked the sandals up.

"Speaking of which, these are not the best shoes for climbing. Be careful."

Willow nodded, looking like he wasn't paying attention at all. They both found themselves staring into the depth of the mountains. Then Cosmo saw a movement.

He couldn't tell exactly what it was. He just knew something tiny moved somewhere. It happened in the back of his eye.

Cosmo decided not to mention it this time. He didn't want and argument. However, this didn't make him feel more comfortable. He had spent a whole day in Laora and still couldn't get used. He must have been really accustomed to the city, and that was what he disliked. His home, which he knew every part of, now seemed boring, old and tired. Cosmo simply didn't want any more memories of it.

As he was thinking, he noticed that he was already in the process of putting his foot on the first rock. Willow was politely sticking his foot into the sandal. While watching him, Cosmo slipped. Nothing hurt, but he got distracted for a moment.

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