Chapter 22

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Instinctively, Cosmo backed up. His foot tripped, and only then he realized where he was standing. Now it was too late. He tried to find balance, but his body was about to sink into the darkness.

He had never known before that so many thoughts could be inside one mind at the same time. He closed his eyes. That was surely the moment of his death, and life wasn't even flashing in front of his eyes. He had always been told it would. Perhaps his life had been too short.

Instead, though, he filled his mind of what he could've done. Now he realized Ivy had the right to be worried. He should have never agreed. It would be better if he had never known that there were people who had no wings.

Cosmo questioned why in the world he was still alive. He had expected that he wouldn't last a mere minute, maximum ten seconds. Yet he was still alive and breathing. The canyon was deeper than he had thought it was.


He could still hear, and therefore, he was probably still alive. He had started to lose consciousness, but the unexpected sound caused his eyes to jerk open.

He couldn't see who had shouted his name; he was too deep into the canyon. No one was leaning forward above him.

And then Cosmo noticed that he wasn't falling. He was hovering; it took him a moment to realize what had happened. But once he did, he rushed upwards as fast as he could. He had to do that before his wings faded.

"Cosmo!" The sound repeated.

Someone was giving him a hand. He looked up and noticed that it was Archer. His first thought was that he couldn't trust anyone, but then he gave a hand back. Once Cosmo was up, he realized that they were alone. The sun was now slowly beginning to rise, reminding them how beautiful Laora was.

They looked at each other closely for a second.

"Thanks," Cosmo managed to mutter, his sanity coming back.

"No time. They're coming. Don't worry, I know the way," Archer tugged on Cosmo's hand, bringing him on his feet. Solid ground now felt so strange. He almost fell, but remembered how to walk and took the first step.

"Is Willow safe?"

"He's at home, I assume."

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