Chapter 36

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He ran, grabbing Willow's hand on the way. At first it slipped out, but before Cosmo could stop, Willow ran after him. Kelly threw the knife. It flew past, grazing his heel, and hit the soil.

"We have to find Archer," he spoke with much difficulty. "Kelly told me he wasn't with the village."

Willow nodded hurriedly. Looking in, Cosmo noticed a few planks and wires lying around.

"They destroyed our house," He moved to the bunch, looking back for a second. Then he remembered about Ivy. "We have to come back."

"Why? It's dangerous!"

"Ivy's there!"

Before Willow could answer, Cosmo ran. Willow was left alone, and he sat down to avoid the chase. Maybe he wouldn't be noticed in the grass.

But Cosmo didn't notice anything. Once he was near the mountain, he saw a silhouette pressed against the wall.

"Ivy, run. It's dangerous."

She turned her head, breathing heavily.

"Has she noticed me?"

"No, not yet. I don't think so, anyway. But she will if you don't hurry."

She came up and started running. On the way, she kicked off her uncomfortable shoes and stepped barefooted. A few times during the way she squealed, probably getting cut by the grass.

"Willow, I'm done! We're safe!"

Willow got up from the grass, half-kneeling suspiciously at first. Then he got up.

"Run across the forest, really fast. We need to get to the canyon."

When they finished running, Cosmo threw himself on the sand. He was worn out after the last few days. But there was one thing he knew for sure: he had to find Archer. That was the only person they could trust.

Ivy stared around in irritation.

"There's literally nothing here."

"And that's exactly what makes this place safe. But be careful, there's a canyon."

Ivy sat down in a yoga pose, staring at the forest, then also lay down.

"I don't think I've ever run so much before," She could barely speak through her own heavy breathing.

Cosmo put his legs together and stretched out his hand, then placed the palm on the ground to lean against it. Willow was the only one standing, and he didn't seem like he was going to sit down. Instead, he walked back and forth.

"Careful," Cosmo reminded. Willow nodded, kicking sand up and creating a cloud. It disappeared within seconds.

"No time to waste," Cosmo said quietly, making his way onto his feet.

"But I badly need to rest," Ivy resisted.

"We'll rest after we find Archer."

"This feels like a bad idea," She was still sitting.

"Don't fall into despair yet."

"Don't fall into despair?" She screamed aggressively. "We're now recluses! Outcasts! Isn't that what you were afraid of?"

Cosmo grinned.

"Isn't that what you liked?"

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