Chapter 40

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Cosmo nodded, looking up. The ceiling was painted in peculiar abstract ornaments.

"It's not a disease," he corrected, his eyes still focused on the ceiling. "It's an instinct. I don't summon the wings, they pop out by themselves when I need them. And sometimes when I don't," He looked back down and smiled. "And about the bribery... It was a trick. I'm sorry for messing with you, but Ivy got her wings clipped... Will you let us in?"

"That's what I wanted to talk about," Kelly stepped in. "I'm sorry. If I knew the truth-"

"Nothing, nothing. Can we live here?"

"I would allow you," the man said.

"Thanks!" Ivy grinned and embraced Cosmo. He wanted to jump like a child.

As they walked out, Archer was staring at them.

"How?" He asked briefly.

"We'll live here," Ivy replied before Cosmo opened his mouth. Archer threw himself toward Cosmo and touched his hand.

"Can't believe it. Have they said anything about me?"

"I bet they'll let you in," Cosmo assured. "You can go and ask now, can't you? I'm sure they aren't even angry anymore."

"Okay," Archer said before vanishing inside the building.

Willow was staring from behind a tree, one of the last in the forest from the side of the wasteland. His cheek was pressed against the trunk.

"We're going to live in the village!" Cosmo pulled him away and hugged him. He took a couple of seconds to understand.

"Yay!" Finally broke out of his mouth. He raced to the wasteland and grabbed his bag, followed by Ivy and Cosmo, who were exhausted. Cosmo could sure use some sleep. Perhaps he could sneak back into the city later to pick his parents up. Yes, that was what he would do.

He picked his backpack up, wondering how many times he had went back and forth between the wasteland and the village. Now he had a home, one that didn't deceive him. And even if that decision was risky, it had made him happy. 

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