You're Not From Around Here Are You?

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He was funny, he was charming, he cussed a little and his music made me swoon. Ha, I actually said swoon. Hormones, hormones hahaha. I was totally caught up in every word he said between songs, I was hypnotised by his hands as they made his guitar sing and of course the words that were music to my ears, literally made my breath catch in my throat. 

He was here, right now, just dropping by and now singing in front of me. Well, not just me but you know what I mean. All too soon he said Goodnight and the now rather large crowd cheered and whooped. Someone shouted out for the 100th time for him to take his shirt off and I admit that this time, I hoped he would. But with a wave a little giggle, he was gone. 

Mum and Dad went back to their usual chatting as I excused myself to go to the bar. Ok, I was just going to order an OJ but I neede a moment to get my thoughts together. 

I just saw Ed Sheeran. Never in my wildest dreams could I have conjured up something like this happening. I was lost in thought.

"Mind if I sit here Love?" a beautiful voice says beside me.

As soon as I saw who it was that spoke, I knew that my face had decided to turn a few shades redder then his hair. I was at a loss for words so he just smiled and sat down anyway, the bartender handing him a pint and a nod as he did so. 

"Do you live around here?" He pushes me further. I somehow find my voice but the only thing I can think to say is, "Yeah, just down the road". He laughs and it's a joyous sound. I wish I could have bottled it so I could keep it just for myself.

"Your accent tells me that you've not always been a local though Darling". Oh shit, he called me Darling.

"No", I blush some more.

"New Zealand or Australia?" he genuinely asks.

"Don't ever accuse an Australian of being a New Zealaner and vice versa", I giggle "I'm from Australia, we moved here 6 months ago", I nod towards my parents who are still sitting at the table, oblicous to my encounter.

"So, girl from Australia not New Zealand, do you have a name?" he grins.

"J Josie", I stutter, "I'm Josie". I offer him a smal smile and am rewarded by an even bigger one from him. He takes a big drink from his pint and sets it back down, playing with the beer mat.

"So, what are your thoughts on jolly old England so far?" he says raises an eyebrow in my direction.

I've somewhat calmed down now. Ths hustle bustle of the pub has gone back to the regular old boys. The younger crowd must have moved onto the local nightclub not thinking that Ed would go from entertainer to patron tonight.

I didn't know how to answer Ed truthfully. This is his country but so far, I hadn't really seen a whole lot of good in it but I didn't want to upset him.

"it's good", I told him "it's different", I offer him further when he doesn't speak.

"It's not home though, is it?" he aks and I almost cry at the honesty in his question.

"No, it's very far from home but at least the whole getting dark at 3 in the afternoon has given me plenty of reason to stay warm at home writing songs". I try to recover.

"So, you're a songwriter then?" he eyes me carefully and thoughtfully.

Shit again, why did I tell him that. Of course he is going to laugh at me or tell me to keep writing and one day I'll reach my dream of having my name in lights. I'm a fool.

"do you play guitar?"he asks before I can reprimand myself further.

"Yes" I squeak, to which he asks me to follow him. I look over at my parents again but they still have no interest in my brush with fame so I follow him. 

We end up out the back of the pub and he opens the back of a big old truck. inside there is loads of chords and amps and then I see it. His prized possesions. Carefully and neatly placed, Lloyd, Cyril. Felix and Nigel. Ed's guitar's. And yes, I know them all by name. He grabs the closest one and motions for me to come and sit on the ledge at the back of the truck with him. He passes me the guitar and as he moves the strap over my head, I feel his hand gently brush down my back as he puts it in place. I'm sure some fireworks must have just gone off at that moment or maybe it was just in my head as the electricity bolted through my body at his gentle touch.

Feels Like Falling in Love - An Ed Sheeran FanficWhere stories live. Discover now