The First Day of the Rest of My Life

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The next morning I'm awoken to those big butterflies in my stomach again. I decide to settle with a cup of tea for breakfast because I can't guarantee I won't be sick if I actually eat food.

I phone a friend and arrange for my shift at the Newsagent to be covered and head back to my room to phone Stuart.

I dial the number 5 times before I actually let it ring. 

"This is Stu", I hear down the line and I let out a breath that I had been holding since the first ring.

"Umm hi, this is Josie, I met Ed last night and he said to call you today".

"Josie, yeah Josie from Australia right, yeah Ed did have a chat about you, seems you've impressed him with your music making skills".

I don't know what to say, I know I'm blushing but I have to say something.

"Umm wow, I umm, I.."

"Listen", Stuart takes over the conversation, "We're staying at the Rose and Crown". I stifle my laughter. "YEah, I know" he cuckles, "not really the hotel for the rich and famous but Ed likes it this way. So, anyway, can you pop in this morning? Nothing much is happening until about 11 when we have to make a move. Just ask for me at the front desk, ok Josie?"

"SUre, yeah, I'll leave now, so I'll see you shortly then."

After we say our goodbyes, I have a mini panic attack about what to wear. I still haven't been ablt to catch up to the fashion stakes in the UK and tend to head back to the old faithfull clothes I wore in AUstralia. I put on my maxi skirt and fitted 3/4 sleeve top and pop a fitted jacket on to match. I figure I better put a little makeup on seeing as Ed has only seen me barefaced and in jeans so far. My hair is nicely curled and I have my guitar and purse. It's time to go.

The air is icey outside and for a moment I regret not wearing jeans. Just walk quickly I tell myseld, it will be warm inside.

Before I know it, I'm standing outside the tudor style building, wondering if I'm about to make the biggest mistake of my life so far. Before I can turn around and run a nice young man opens the door and holds itopen for me to go in. I'l look like a crazy woman if I don't go in now I tell myself as the young man looks at me expectantly. 

I make my way to the front desk where a dolled up woman sits talkng on her mobile. She seems annoyed when she sees me and ends the call. 

"How can I help?" she asks insincerely.

"Um, I'm here to see Stuart?"

"Stuart who?" she spits.

"I'm not really sure, I was just told to ask for Stuart at the front desk".

She starts ranting at me that there could be 10 different Stuart;s staying at the hotel and if I didn't have a last name she couldn't help me.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot that familiar fire coloured hair. At the same time, Ed looks though the gap in the doorway, leading to the large room he and some other people were assembled in.

A big grin spreads across his face and he bounds owards the door.

"Josie from Australia", he smiles as he nears me holding me out at arms length.

"You look different", he tilts his head.

I can feel that blush creeping in, as he says "I like it".

I smile back at him and he grabs my arm and pulls me into the room. Huh, take that front desk lady and I mentally poke my tongue out at her.

Inside the room there is alot of chatter and tea cups clinking as people mill about talking and making plans. Ed's touring crew are all there and it looks like they've just had some sort of meeting.

Ed pulls me over to a sturdy looking man that frightens me just a little.

"This is Stu, you spoke to him this morning". Stuart holds out his hand to shake mine.

"Ah Josie, great you made it, how bout getting out that guitar and showing us what you can do. Sorry to rush you but we've got alot to do today".

I nod and look for a corner to put my case in. It's about now that I realise I'm going to have to play in front of all of these people. My hands begin to shake and my mouth goes dry. This is too much.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and stand and see Ed, concern on his face.

"Are you ok Love?" he asks "You look a bit umm lost or scared or something"

"I'm petrified," I rep;ly honestly.

He giggles and then gives me a warm smile. "You'll be fine, just pretend it's just us in the back of the truck again." He takes my guitar from me and motions to me to follow him. He starts picking out a little tune on my guitar as we walk, seemingly interested in my instrument.

He has set up two chairs and tells me to sit in one, then sits beside me and hands over the guitar.

Stuart asks for some hush and all eyes turn to me.

"Right Josie, do you want to play something original or a cover?" Stuart asks.

"Covers usually go down better with the crowd when it comes to support acts".

I panic, the only covers I have really done are Ed's songs and I sure as hell am not going to do one of those now. The only thing I can think of is Paperweight. I've always loved it.

"I can do a cover of Paperweight", I meekly offer to which Stuart tells me it's an oldy but give it a shot.

I take a breath, I start to play. My hands are shaking and I'm sure everyone can see. I start to sing and I feel like I'm having an out of body experience. I can feel everyone's eyes on me, everyone judging me, comapring me. Suddenly I feel Ed stand up and walk away. Oh no, I'm so bad he has to leave the building.

I'm just about to stop mid song when I hear another guitar playing along. Ed returns, guitar in hand and starts singing the duet part with me. Twice in two days, I've sang with Ed Sheeran. 

I start to relax and look up to see Ed smiling at me again while he sings. AS we sing the lines "No need to worry what's on my's you", he gives me a little wink. Yep, I've died and gone to heaven.

The song ends and I hear clapping. That out of body experience has returned and it takes a while to realise that they're clapping for me. Ed stands agaikn and moves towards Stuart.

"What do you think?" I hear him say.

It's now or never, my fate is about to be sealed.

Feels Like Falling in Love - An Ed Sheeran FanficWhere stories live. Discover now