A Fool to Believe

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I headed back inside, glancing over my shoulder in the hope that Ed might be looking back at me. He wasn't though, how stupid could I be. I'm 18, he's 23, I'm a lonely student on the wrong side of the world, he's a world renowned, award winning singer/songwriter with all the most beautiful women at his feet.

But he was nice to me. He listened to me. Surely that's got too count for something right?

What I didn't see though was that a second after I stepped into the pub, Ed had turned around to get another glimpse at me.

My parents had left, obviously not too concerened about the whereabouts of their only child so I decided to head home too. I needed to make sure I was in top form for tomorrow. 

Was I really going to do this? What if I made a fool of myself. Should I take the risk?

I reached my front door in minutes, the house warm but in total darkness. I sneak to my room and flick on the bedside lamp. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Plain old Josie, that's me. Brown hair and eyes, nothing particularly special about my face, no friends Josie. But from somewhere else I could here, "Josie from Australia". Somehow, when Ed said that to me, it made me feel special. I know it's just a bit of a joke but he made the effort to say it, twice. Does that mean something.

Arrgh, I'm going crazy and standing here gawping at myself in the mirror whilst imaging that Ed Sheeran could ever fancy someone like me is not helping the situation. I throw on my pyjamas and a pair of massive wooly socks, tie my hair into a plait and get into bed. Soon visions of red haired boys and guitars fill my dreams and I know I must be smiling in my sleep.

Feels Like Falling in Love - An Ed Sheeran FanficWhere stories live. Discover now