And So It Begins

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I think I almost gasped when I saw her the next day. As I looked towards the gap in the door, there she stood at the front desk of the hotel, holding her guitar case and looking like she was going to puke from nerves. 

Just at that moment, she glanced over and caught me looking at her. A little smile formed on her pink lips and I walked out to greet her.

She was like a little lost puppy as I led her into the room filled with tour guys and gals, chatting about the next stop we were shortly going to head to.

We made our way over to Stuart. I didn't think it was possible for her to look anymore frightened but as soon as Stu spoke, I thought she was going to run away in tears.

She found her courage though and pulled out her guitar. I could tell it was one of the local shop bought cheapies but I bet she could still make it sing.I grabbed it off her and gave it a strum. Hmmm not bad.

Seated, she was ready to go. Talk about a rabbit caught in the headlights. I started to feel sorry for her, maybe I had made the wrong decision to bring her here with all of these people but before I could say anything, she began to play. 

"Been up all night, 

Staring at you,

Wondering what's on your mind".

She looked amazing, her voice was beautiful. I raced off and grabbed a guitar and joined in. This was too good an opportunity to miss.

She seemed startled when I started to sing in harmony with her then her smile grew. She was secretly loving this. And if I am hoenst, so was I.

The song ended, people clapped. Now I guess, it was up to Stuart.

"Well done Josie", he said "Just need to have a little chat with Ed, make yourself at home, there's tea and biscuits over on the table". 

I watched as she quietly walked to her guitar case whilst Stuart tried to drag me off for this chat.

"Look Ed," he started, "She's got a great voice but she's shit scared and she hasn't got any recent covers ready".

"I know Stu but I think she's worth the risk. I heard one of her originals last night and it was first class, I can work on some covers with her, she'll be ready, I promise".

"And how are you going to work on these covers? We can't hang around here for the next week while you give out guitar lessons".

Stuart was really starting to piss me off now. I still don't know why but for some reason, I just felt like I should help Josie. 

I was running out of options and Stuart's patience was beginning to wear thin.

"Look, just leave it with me yeah? I"ll skype her or something and work on some songs. Just give me till next Saturday". Shit, I"ve just given myself less than a week to get this shy girl to performance standard with a whle new repetoire of songs.

"Fine." Stuart gives in "I'm just trying to look out for your best ineterests Ed, if this goes South, it's on your head". 

"I know Stu", I laugh and pat him on the back.

I look around trying to find Josie. Oh yeah, there she is, in the corner trying to become invisible.

She's see's me and her eyes light up. I give her a smile and head over. 

"Walk with me", I say and she nods her head and follows me out a door and down a corridor leading to a little garden outside.

"He hated it didn't he?" she asks, sadness etched across her face.

"No", I say, "He's just worried that you haven't had much experience yet and you don't do many covers". I could see the sadness in her eyes. It was like a big, dark cloud had descended, threating to spill it's load.

"Buuut", I drag out and see a little spark ignite where that cloud hovered, "I told him that I would work with you when I can via skype or something and we have until next Saturday to get you ready". 

"You get right out of here again", she jumped up staring at me.  couldn't help but burst out laughin, that was the second time in two days she had told me to get out. For a few moments, she let her guard down. She laughed, I mean really laughed and danced around saying, "I can't believe it" and then she grabbed me in the biggest tightest hug I think I've ever been given. I felt her tense and let go.

"I'm so sorry", she quickly said, "I shouldn't have done that, I was just so exc", before she could finish I pulled her back into the hug. Nice and warm. And she melted into it, moulding to my body as her breathing slowed to match mine.

Eventually, I broke the hug and looked her in the eye "WE've got a lot of work to do". I smiled and was rewarded with the most beautiful smile back. 

"Thank you so much" she almost whispers. "Thank you for giving me a chance".

Feels Like Falling in Love - An Ed Sheeran FanficWhere stories live. Discover now