This Girl

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Ed's POV

Her name is Josie. There was something about her. Her shyness, her realness, there was just something that made my mind keep running back to her.

When she said she wrote songs, I couldn't help but ask her to sing for me. I like to help other songwriters as much as I can, I mean, I know how hard it can be to crack the market but I was just so curious about her too. And yeah, she's fit. I have pretty girls clawing at me every day, trying to hug me, trying to touch me. It's great for the ego but I don't want someone that only wants the Ed SHeeran they see on stage. I want someone real.

When I took her out the back to the truck, I think she thought I was going to try and jump her bones. She looked pretty scared when I opened the truck door until she saw my guitars. I held one out for her and helped her with the strap. Her hair felt so soft when it brushed against my hand.

I waited for her to start. I was really hoping that she was going to be good. And she was. When she started to sing it got me right in the chest. Right in the heart. Again that realness but it was mixed with a, I don't know, rawness. People tell the truth when they write songs. Things that they can't say to someones face or feelings they hide away come out when the words hit the music.

Josie was hurting. Something was hurting her. I could tell by the way she sang. The song was beautiful and I knew I had to sing it with her but I couldn't help but wonder what it was that hurt her so bad that she would write like this.

I needed a reason to see her again. I know it's selfish but she left me so damn curious about her. Before she left, I pulled her into a hug. I could feel her all nervous against my chest and then as I rubbed her back, she relaxed into me. It felt like home...

I tried to get another look at her before she left but I was too late.

What the hell is going on? I don't just crush on girls. Hell, I have to peel them off me when they throw themselves at me on a daily basis. But I feel different. And I've only known her for half an hour. Shit...

After a few more beers with the boys, I drag my drunk ass to bed. I hope she got home alright. I should've offered to walk her. I should have given her my number instead of Stuart's. But then if she turns out to be the fangirl type, half of the UK would have my number by the morning.

I try to shut off my thoughts for a whie and finally drift of to a sleep filled with dreams of pretty girls with brown eyes, singing sad songs.

Feels Like Falling in Love - An Ed Sheeran FanficWhere stories live. Discover now