My thirteenth birthday

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A/N: So I got a bunch of vocabulary building books needing to use some of the words in sentances so why not a story? I got inspired after hearing about the "Travon Martin" case on the news. I can honestly say the boy "Quest" is based off of Travon and somebody else I knew in real life who's name will remain anon. Hope you like the story. PLEASE...comment. I'm not gonna get any better without feedback and vote only if you like it.


As you know from previous entries, my life has always been rather dull and bland, nothing of excitement ever taking place.  That is until recently. I have just returned from the most exhilarating of adventures.  Since I have a bit of time, I will start my record from the day of my thirteenth birthday.

Here on planet Migira, this would be the day I am labeled as an adult and as the princess of the north region, I was destined to marry after a long engagement to Prince Pluto from the south region of the planet called Lunar. I know find them ironic names because the Lunar have red hair like the sun but the Solar have purple hair.

I woke up that morning, thrilled about the wedding. After hopping out of bed, I mistakenly stepped on my servant and protector: Zero, a biped who has a small scaly, slouching body, tiny sharp fangs, and a jagged back which hurt my foot because of the red and yellow spikes down his back.

After shrieking in pain, I staggered into my small sparkly bathroom to clean myself as Zero reseeded under my bed. His eyes glowing bright green like a mammal with a direct hit of light to the eyes.  I sat in the cold bath water as my body ignited in bright sparkling colors. After quickly washing myself I throw my purple hair into a high bun.

“Princess!” Called Zero from under the darkness of my bed

“Will you be eating breakfast this morning?”

“No time for that!” I called back

 “I must prepare!”

He giggled calling back “Yourexcitement is getting the best of you. “

“Can you feel your foot? We’ll have to cancel the wedding if you are unableto walk,” he teased.

“My foot is fine. Thank you,” I replied, coming out the bathroom” seeing him set breakfast on my bed.

“I told you I’m not hungry,” I lectured him.

“I only slaved all morning to prepare your wedding breakfast,” Zero remarked with distain.

 “Alright,” I murmured with a heavy sigh, flopping onto my bed.

I sat on my bed consuming  the food set out for me to avoid an argument with him. The vegetarian meal was prepared perfectly but it didn’t taste as good as it looked. The smell of it was amazing yet the taste was very sour and undercooked. Still, I ate without complaint. While finishing my breakfast, Zero came back in with my wedding dress. It was pearly white with a plunging v neck and sparkled with diamonds. It was body tight but it flowed down into an open skirt made from the pure white feathers of a bird from my region called Harmony which signifies unity.

As I rose from my bed, he helped me put the wedding dress on. Islowly became nervous. I am keen on my feet but slightly awkward and I am highly naive. How could I qualify to marry such a perfect prince?

“Don’t fret. This is the best for our planet and can stop this useless war,” Zero encouraged me.

Zero was right. Our planet is a battle zone due to the over populated community and scarce land. Marrying the prince will bring peace between the north and south region and the planet will no longer be divided.

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