Chapter 6

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To be honest, I am catching feelings for Chad. He is really nice and he does stuff for me that he doesn't have to do. I tell him not to do it, but he still does it. We go on a lot of dates and we hang at each other's house. But I'm still not over Kyle. It hurts me knowing that I love two guys and I have been with one of them for a long time, but with the other for only almost a month. But they both are very nice and loving to me. I am stuck here in a love triangle and I don't know what to do.
So Brittany say's that she still loves me and she wants me back, but yet she is dating Chad. She says she likes him, but I can see it in her eyes that she wants me back. I love her with my all.
I am hoping that Brittany likes me. We have been getting closer and she smiles every time I do something nice for her. I hope she picks me.
~~~~~~DATE WITH CHAD~~~~~~
Oh my god he is so nice! We are at Dave and Busters and he just won me a teddy bear. Tomorrow I have a date with Kyle, but shhh my parents or Chad don't know. I have to keep it from Chad or he will think I'm cheating but I'm not because I'm technically still dating Kyle. So if I was cheating on anyone, it would be Kyle, but I'm not. Shhh Kyle don't even know I'm with Chad now.
Tomorrow we have a date and I am taking her to the movies. We are going to watch Boss Baby.
CHAD'S POV: I am on a date right now with Brittany and we are having so much fun! I just won her a teddy bear. She's so beautiful.
~~~~~~DATE WITH KYLE~~~~~~
We are watching Boss Baby and it is funny. Kyle is being so romantic and I really love it. He won't let go on my hand and he let his arm around me so I sat back farther in his arms and he kissed me on my cheek. I bit my lip and I looked at him and I kissed him, but only once. I swear that boy kisses really good.
The night is going great! She loves it so far. She even leaned into me when I put my arm around her and then we kissed. I've missed my babygirl.

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