Chapter 10

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Brittany: Hello?
Kyle: Hey babe I need to talk to you.
Brittany: Okay what is it?
Kyle: The water park is closed my mom just saw it. So we are going to Yosemite. Is that okay with you? Like do you still want to come?
Brittany: Yeah sure.
Kyle: Okay we are almost there so come outside.
Brittany: Okay.
Since the water park is closed today we have something else planned. I mean like it's still going to be fun but not as fun as the water park because i had our whole day planned.
I'm kind of happy that we're going to Yosemite because one, i've never been there before and two, it's more romantic so it'll probably be a lot funner.
Kyle: Look there's a water fall.
Brittany: It's so pretty.
Kyle: Yeah it sparkles, just like your eyes.
Brittany: Aww I love you baby.
Kyle: I love you too.
*they kiss under the waterfall*
Brittany: Do you wanna come over tonight?
Kyle: Sure, if our parents will let me.
Brittany: Okay.
Brittany: We should have some friends over.
Kyle: You don't want it to be just us?
Brittany: No no I do but we just never have any friends over anymore to be honest.
Kyle: True. Okay let's invite Chris and Aubree over.
Brittany: Yes let me call them.
Aubree: Hey girl what's up?
Brittany: You and Chris come over me and Kyle are bored and we want some company.
Aubree: Okay we'll be there soon.
Brittany: Okay.
*******knocks on door*******
Brittany: Let me go get the door i'll be right back.
Kyle: Okay.
Brittany: Who is it?
Aubree and Chris: It's Aubree and Chris, now let us in.
Brittany: Like I knew it was you.

~Btw Aubree and Chris r from MilliCooper story but it didn't come out yet so go read it when it does!!

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