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It's lunch. Ahhh I don't know how I feel about this.

Do I try to make friends and ask to sit with random people hoping they'll say yes? But what if they say no? What if they say yes but it gets quiet and awkward and they feel uncomfortable which will make me feel uncomfortable??

I sigh and start walking to the lunch room. I get in line and follow what everyone else is doing.

I don't notice anything until I feel something hit my feet. I look down and see a milk carton. I look up a little and see a boy on the floor rushing to clean up a mess he had made after dropping his tray.

I set my stuff down, bend down and pick up the cartoon. I walk over to the boy and bend down, setting the milk cartoon beside me. I help the boy clean the mess up and he's too busy to notice me which I understand. I mean he looks really embarrassed..

"Ahh 어떡해~(What to do?)" He says to himself, scrambling to wipe his kimchi off the ground.

"괜찮아요? (Are you okay?)" I ask looking at him as I pick up his rice.

"Ah!" He says startled. "When did you get here? You don't have to help me I'm okay!!" He seems worried.

"I wanted to help." I put his rice back on his tray and pick up his milk carton. "Here." I try to hand the milk carton to him.

He stares for a second before grabbing it and he smiles. He looks up at me and we look at each other for a couple of seconds.

I smile back and stand up seeing that everything been cleaned up.

I look back at the line and see it's at it's longest and looks like it'll take a while to get more food.

He deals with his tray as I grab mine and hand it to him.

He gives me a confused expression and then his face gets flustered. "Ah! I couldn't!!"

"I insist." I say to him smiling. "It's not a big deal. I grabbed too much anyway."

"Let's eat it together!" He blurts out, startling me a little. He blushes a little after saying it. "I-I just mean..let's share it..since you grabbed too much.."

I smile and agree. He starts walking, checking behind him to see if I'm following, which I am. He leads me to a table with a boy with khaki brown hair.

"Ahh what took you so long??" The other boy sitting says.

"Sorry 형. Ah! 형, this is...uh.." Tray boy thinks for a second and then turns to me. "I don't think you told me your name.."

"Oh! Right, sorry. I'm Parker." I say. "And you are..?"

Tray boy sets his tray on the table and takes a seat motioning for me to take the seat next to him with khaki haired boy across from us.

"I'm Sanha. Yoon Sanha. And this is-" Tray boy- I mean Sanha says.

"Park Minhyuk. But you can call me Rocky~" He smiles and then looks at the tray in front of Sanha and the empty space in front of me. "Are you not eating?"

"Ah actually we're sharing because I dropped my tray and she got too much food." Sanha says shyly.

"Ahh." Rocky says as he continues to eat. "So..are you new?"

"Yep." I say as Sanha motions for me to take some Kimchi and I do so.

"Where are you from?" Sanha asks taking a bit of rice.

"America. Lived there my whole life. I arrived in Seoul like a week or so ago."

"A week?! Your Korean sounds native haha" Rocky laughs.

"Thanks~ I've been studying Korean for 6 years so I guess that why I'm good at it.."

"Why did you start learning Korean out of all the languages?" Sanha asks.

"Well I started learning Japanese 7 years ago because of good friend of mine and then Korean a year later because I found out about kpop." I laugh. "I've always just been interested in different cultures and languages since I was young." I say shyly.

"Wow 대박. (Awesome.)" Rocky says. Rocky and Sanha exchange a look at each other before they continue eating. I found it a little odd but dismissed it.

"I'm actually like a quarter Korean and a quarter Japanese too which might be where my interest came from."

"Makes sense." Rocky nods. "Ah! By the way, what year were you born?"

"2000." I say.

"Me too!" Sanha exclaims with happiness. "Minhyuk-형 is 1999."

We finish eating and Rocky and Sanha say they'll be back as they get up and walk to put their trays away. I see them talk for a second before returning.

"We still have 30 minutes. Do you wanna walk around with us? Do you need a tour or something?" Rocky asks.

"I'd love that, thanks." I get up and we start walking.

The way I'll be writing will be a kind of mix between English and Korean if you haven't already noticed lol.

The reason I don't like to put the romanized instead of the actual Hangul is because I just find it uncomfortable to read personally haha
So it's just gonna be the Hangul and English translation~

Also a good way for both you and I to practice Korean a little hehe

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