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I realized there were 5 groups performing today. Most were rookies and either just debuted or was about to.

The festival performance is supposed to be pretty local and small, which is nice.

I'd say there are a little over 150 people in the audience? Not sure but it seems like less when you aren't in the middle of the crown.

Sanha and Rocky's group, ASTRO, are performing 2nd to last.

After the second performance, I notice I can see a little bit of what's backstage since I'm standing more towards the left of the stage. I'm able to see the next group that was performing standing off to the side of the stage.

During the third group, I saw Eunwoo backstage watching the group performing and then look at the audience a little. His eyes gaze over everyone until they meet with mine. He smiles.

Honestly his smile just then melted my heart. But I look back at the group performing and when they finish I clap and watch as all of them walk off and the next group comes on and gets into position.

The song starts and my eyes immediately go to Sanha. He's just so--

Adorable. Absolutely adorable.

Just as my thoughts talk about him being adorable, his eyes find mine in the small crowd of people and he gives me a little finger heart causing my heart to pound and my face to start becoming red.

Well technically it might not have been to me..he could have just done it in the direction that I'm in...coincidently...

Anyway!! I continue watching as my face starts to settle down and notice more of the dance moves of the performance.

All of them have really nice and sharp moves and are very in sync with each other.

Right off the bat I can already tell that Rocky and Moonbin must be the dancers of the group. I also have reason to believe Jinjin is as well.

I noticed Rocky's dancing the most. The way he moves is so precise, it's incredible. He flows really well and is always on point with the music.

The song ends faster than I would have liked but I clap as loud as I can and yell my "woo!!" 's and such. They walk off stage waving and the last act gets on.

Once the festival is over, I decide to walk backstage to see the boys with their towels around their neck and their tissues on their forehead collecting their sweat. They sure did give it their all and I truly admire that.

"Parker!!" Sanha, of course, is the first to greet me. "Did you enjoy the festival?!"

"Of course~~ I loved it! Thanks for inviting me, I had an amazing time watching everyone perform." Sanha smiles a very toothy smile as I say that.

"Then would you like to join us for dinner? There's a chicken place down the block." Rocky comes up and asks.

I nod and everyone prepares to leave.

Something tells me that these boys and I might just end up actually being friends. I just hope I'm not wrong and that it won't be one sided like usual...

Just You and I (ASTRO Sanha)Where stories live. Discover now