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Traveling to the chicken place was a journey by itself. MJ making jokes as we cross the street and Moonbin randomly singing songs when they pop in his head and Sanha tripping over the tiniest rock, having us make fun of him.

We sit in a booth and order. Everyone gets, as you could have guessed, chicken so ordering was easy and when the food arrives everyone immediately dives in.

There's never a dull moment talking to the 6 of them. They always have something to talk or laugh about.

"So Parker, we still don't know a whole bunch about you. You told us you're from America and that you've been studying languages since you were young, but what else do you like to do? Like for fun?" Rocky says as all the boys turn to look at me.

Oh god I hate when the attention is placed on me. I suddenly get a little flustered and think for a second.

"Um..for fun? I like to draw? I wouldn't say I'm that great but I enjoy it. I also play the piano and dance sometimes." I say. I always felt awkward talking about myself because what? Am I supposed to boast about myself??

"That's cool! Eunwoo and Rocky play the piano, and as you know we all dance too. We have more in common then you'd think!" Sanha cheers.

"You said you draw? What do you like to draw?" Moonbin says taking a sip of his cola.

"Hmm...portraits of people? I took an art class last year and had to do a bunch of portraits of my classmates." MJ's face suddenly lights up.

"You should draw us sometime!!" He suggests.

"Eh?! Ahh...um..okay haha." I say a little embarrassed at the request. My mind immediately went to me sitting in front of them with my supplies and literally just studying their face. Their noses, their lips, their eyes...

Sorry, I have a thing for attractive guys. And when I say that I don't mean that I will jump at every attractive boy I see and flirt with them. I'm not like that.

As an 'artist' I guess, I tend to appreciate the beauty of others and I will admit that sometimes my brain takes over and I end up being really honest and saying that I think someone is handsome or cute upfront or compliment them a lot.

That's not me necessarily flirting, it's just an observation.

I do it so often that I don't notice it anymore. I stood behind a random guy at Starbucks once and straight up told him I thought his body proportions were really nice. He must of thought I was weird or something but I was like eh whatever..

Just You and I (ASTRO Sanha)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя