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We get to an apartment building and I follow Sanha to the elevator.

"Do you...live here?" I ask shyly.

"Yup. I thought we could do a To Be Continued marathon since you haven't seen it yet." Sanha takes my hand to hold.

"Eh? So I'm meeting your family..." I trail off nervously.

"Ah! Unless you don't want to!!" Sanha let's go and starts worrying.

"No no!! I want to! I just...uhh..wasn't expecting to meet them anytime soon that's all." I chuckle. "I'm glad...but nervous haha."

Sanha takes my hand again and squeezes it. "They'll like you I'm sure of it."

And with that the elevator doors opened and Sanha let go of my hand.

"가자. (Let's go.)" Sanha leads me to a door, takes his key out and unlocks it.

We walk in and Sanha announces that he's home.

"Oh, Sanha!" Sanha's mom walks into the living room and sees us by the door. "Who's this?" She smiles.

"This is a friend from school." Sanha introduces me.

"안녕하세요! 이파커입니다. 만나서 반갑습니다. (Hello! I'm Parker Lee. Nice to meet you.)" I bow and smile.

"Ah..nice to meet you." She smiles back.

"We're gonna hang out in my room, is that okay?" Sanha asks.

"Yeah that's fine...Sanha, can I talk to you about something for a second?" His mom smiles and motions for Sanha to follow as she walks into the next room.

"Sure." Sanha shows me to his room and then says he'll be back in a few.

I put my bag down and look around his room and see photos and such on top of his dressers.

I smile as I look at the various baby photos of him.

One catches my eye, a childhood photo of Sanha playing with a little girl at the playground.

"I was cute, wasn't I." Sanha chuckles from behind me.

I turn around to see how close he is to come face to face only inches apart from each other.

"You're just as cute now." I smile.

Sanha gives me a weak smile back and I raise a brow.

He walks over to his bed and sits.

"What's wrong?" I question.

"Hm? Oh nothing." Sanha tries to convince me but it doesn't work.

"Seriously. Tell me." I take a seat next to him. "Does this have anything to with what you and your mom talked about?"

"She just... no it's nothing." Sanha looks up and smiles.

I give him a look and he sighs.

"She was just asking if you and I were a thing. I told her no but she gave me the same speech that Junhee gave me about dating..." Sanha says looking down.

"Seems like the world is against us." I chuckle and then I sigh. "Maybe we should just...

"No." Sanha says immediately and looks up. "If you're gonna suggest that we break up then I don't wanna hear it."

I smile. "Okay, let's just get on with the marathon then."

Sanha turns on the TV and we start watching together.

Just You and I (ASTRO Sanha)Where stories live. Discover now