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"Oh Sanha and Rocky, are you trying out for your school's play this year?" Jinjin asks. "And Parker, if you're into that sort of thing too."

"I'm not sure..We might not have time because of our practices..." Sanha says sadly. "But Parker you should try out!! The plays are always super fun!"

"Yeah I agree you should. They're a great way to make friends too since you're new and everything." Rocky adds.

"Yes! And if you're in it, we're all going to come!!" MJ beams.

"I'll think about it. But what's the play this year? Do you know?" I ask Sanha.

"It's Beauty and the Beast!" Sanha's eyes light up only for him to get sad again. "Ahh I wish I could be in it."

"Just remember you'll be on the stage soon when you debut." I lay a hand on Sanha's shoulder to reassure him. He smiles. "Wait isn't Beauty and the Beast a musical??" My eyebrows furrow.

"Yep. You know with the songs that go like 'bonjour bONJOUR BONJOUR BONJOUR BONJOUR!" MJ sings overly exaggerated, causing other tables to look over. We all burst out laughing.

"Okay but there's just one problem with me doing a musical.." I say as the laugher fades. "I can't sing. At least I don't think I can in front of an audience. I have really bad stage fright when it comes to singing. Acting is okay but singing makes me want to die."

They all look at me blankly for a second.

"Oh right, of course you all wouldn't understand. I mean you're an idol group for goodness sake." I laugh awkwardly.

"No no it's okay. We get it. We've all been there. First time I went up on stage I wanted to cry because I was so nervous." Jinjin says.

"Yeah of course! When I first sang in front of an audience I was shaking and crying!! Well I mean I was 5...but still! Stage fright at that age or any age is terrifying." MJ says and I laugh.

"Thanks for the story telling." I laugh and it goes quite for a second before Eunwoo speaks up.

"It is actually really scary...Stage fright I mean. Feeling like your heart is going to pound out of your chest and you start to feel really hot. I understand that. When I entered Fantagio, I couldn't dance or sing really and when I first sang or danced in front of people it was so scary. But look at me now! Like you said I'm in an idol group. It just takes a while to get over stage fright and even now I still get nervous performing on stage." Eunwoo says calmly as everyone listens to what he has to say.

"Really?" I ask.

"Of course. Sometimes even the most confident people on stage can be really nervous on the inside. They just don't let it show and that takes practice." Eunwoo's words really resonate with me. I smile lightly. "With that said, are you going to try out???"

The boys lean in awaiting my answer. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try..." Immediately as I say that the boys cheer and once again everyone stares.

At this time we finish our chicken and await the bill. I search through my bag to find my wallet but Sanha tells me not to worry and that he's going to pay for me.

I give him a questioning look. "Think of it as a welcome to Seoul meal." He smiles. "But you're paying for next time." He chuckles.

'Next time'. I smile at those words. I can't wait.

Just You and I (ASTRO Sanha)Where stories live. Discover now