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A week passes and it's time for the beauty and the beast auditions and an English test that Sanha has on the same day.

"I did it!! I'm super confident about this test, thanks to a certain someone." Sanha nudges me.

"I'm glad." I take a deep breathe. "Hopefully I'll do well on this audition."

"You're gonna do great. I just know it. We've been practicing everyday, just do what you've been doing." Sanha reassures me as we walk towards the auditorium.

I take another deep breath.

"You got this." He says standing in front of me and putting his hands on my shoulder. He leans in and gives me a peck on my cheek.

We haven't properly kissed since that time in the practice room believe it or not. He usually just kisses me on the cheek or forehead and even then his face still gets super red.

I still wonder how he managed to kiss me that day and not explode. He gets so shy and cute every time we show any time of skinship.

Sanha's still super conscious when we're in public or with others but when we're alone he likes to hold my hand a lot.

"Knock em' dead." He says. I chuckle and walk into the auditorium.

He really is a tall cute dork.
After a week of waiting for Sanha's test result and the cast list they both come quickly.

Sanha gets his test back early in the morning and runs to my classroom as soon as it's break time.

"Parker!!!" Sanha screams through the halls excitedly until he reaches the door to my classroom causing everyone to look at him weirdly.

He sees me and runs up. "Look!! A 98!!" He cheerfully says holding his test in my face.

"YAY! See I knew you could do it!!" I chime as I stand up and take the paper to look myself.

"It was all thanks to youuu~~" He sings smiling. "Now I won't fail English!"

"I'm glad. This is great." I smile.

We look at each other until t gets a little awkward.

If we were alone we would be hugging right now but because of Sanha's weird entrance most people were still looking at us so we had to be precautions.

"Ah! I have an idea! Why don't we celebrate after school?" He suggests.

"Sounds good! Should we invite the other guys too?" I hand him back his paper and he takes it.

"Sure! I'll let them know." Sanha says as the 5 minute bell rings. "I'll see you later?"

"See ya." I say as he walks out and passes Chan coming in.

"Hey Parker." Chan walks up to me.

"Yeah?" I respond taking my seat.

"I heard you tried out for the musical?" Chan leans against the empty desk  next to mine.

"I did. Did you?"

"Yup. I just heard the from the director that the cast list comes out at 5." Chan smiles.

"Today?!" I say shocked.

"Uh huh. Today. Apparently it was a really easy decision. At least that's what the director told me." Chan stands up. "Anyway, good luck to both of us. Bye~"

The others think I want to get the main part, Belle, but that's not true. I actually want to be Ms. Potts or maybe one of those girls that fawn over Gaston.

Belle is too big of a role for me to be able to even get plus I feel like I wouldn't be a good fit for that role anyway...

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